Some memory leaks


    Win NT


    As  long  as  we're  talking  about  memory leaks, it appears that
    filling the fragment  queue on NT  eats all its  memory too, until
    the  frags  time  out.   Can't  even  do anything from the console
    according to Hobbit.

    David LeBlanc claims that's peculiar.   It only eats about 1/2  of
    his memory when he do that - and it does take a fairly high packet
    volume to pull it off.

    Ryan  Matthew  Ferris  added  following.   You  can  try   running
    empty.exe (resoruce  kit) as   empty *  and watch  the cache flush
    completely  as  well  as  all  processes  running trim to the bare
    working set.


    Russinovich  (  has  command  and  gui utility
    called cacheset.  Run it cacheset  -1 -1 to flush just the  cache.
    Last, clearmem, from the resource kit will write to the cache  and
    disk like crazy then collapse, freeing available memory.

    Russinovich also makes a ntsync  to flush the buffers to  the disk
    (like sync) in UNIX.  All of these are useful...