

    Windows running mIRC 5.4


    Keith  Pachulski  posted  following.   There  is  a bug in the DCC
    resume of  mIRC5.4. Sending  the mIRC  client the  appropriate DCC
    Resume commands will cause the following:

        MIRC32 caused an invalid page fault in
        module MIRC32.EXE at 0137:004b8ada.
        EAX=3D00000000 CS=3D0137 EIP=3D004b8ada EFLGS=3D00010246
        EBX=3D004e42cc SS=3D013f ESP=3D0089fbd4 EBP=3D0089fbdc
        ECX=3D00000000 DS=3D013f ESI=3D00000003 FS=3D0e2f
        EDX=3D00000000 ES=3D013f EDI=3D004d9200 GS=3D0000
        Bytes at CS:EIP:
        8a 02 42 0f be d8 f6 83 b1 0d 4d 00 01 75 f1 3c=20
        Stack dump:
        00000003 004e42cc 0089fc40 00437f4d 00000000 00000001 00000000 004d9200
        004d8950 0089fc14 004acf45 004d1e3d 004d97c5 004d8954=20
        004d97a4 004d8950=20


    This is easilty remedied by addiing the following line to the mIRC
    clients ctcp.ini file:

    ctcp 1:*:*: { IF ((resume isin  $1-) && ($gettok($1-,0,32)  < 4)) { echo -a
    WARNING: $nick Attempted the mirc 5.4 resume bug  |  halt } }

    or take a look at mIRC #5 in this section.