MS Office


    MS Office 2000, Win98/Win2000


    Georgi Guninski found following.   If certain DLLs are present  in
    the current direcotory and the  user double clicks on a  MS Office
    Document or launch the document  from "Start | Run" then  the DLLs
    are executed.  This allows  executing native code and may  lead to
    taking full control over user's computer.  It also works on remote
    UNC shares.

    If either of the  following files: riched20.dll or  msi.dll (other
    DLLs also may do, don't know) are present in the current directory
    double clicking  on an  Office document  in the  current directory
    executes the code  in DllMain() of  the above DLLs.   (Excel seems
    not to  work with  riched20.dll but  works with  msi.dll).  Georgi
    could not make this work from HTML and IE.


        1) Download dll1.cpp from and
           build  it.   We  discourage  downloading  native  code from
           unknown site, but you may try at your own risk the compiled
        2) Rename dll1.dll to riched20.dll
        3) Place riched20.dll in a directory of your choice
        4) Close all Office applications
        5) From Windows  Explorer double click  on an Office  document
           (preferably  MS  Word  document)  in the directory containg

    Now, imagine an  intruder that has  penetrated a company.   He has
    obtained access to  the companies file  server which is  used only
    to share data files, but he  has not obtained access to the  CEO's
    computer in  which the  data he  wishes to  obtain is  stored.  By
    looking at the  file share traffic  he knows the  CEO opens Office
    documents on the file server,  but he is a security  conscious guy
    and has  disabled all  macros and  other dangerous  functionality.
    The intruder is out of luck...

    ...Until now.  Now the attacker only needs to drop a malicious DLL
    into the same folder as a file he knows the CEO opens on a regular
    basis on the file  server and wait until  he opens it and  the DLL
    has not already been loaded.  This is not an uncommon state.   For
    example,  this  is  the  case  when  opening  a for the first time
    document after the machine has  rebooted.  Once the malicious  DLL
    loads the intruder has full access to the CEO's system.

    Also, consider the case of  an e-mail program which, like  many on
    the market, places all  attached files in a  particular directory,
    and  offers  a  way  to  open  these  documents  from  within  the
    message-viewing screen.  These  programs often invoke the  same or
    similar code  paths as  double-clicking the  document itself.   In
    this case, the  user will see  two files --  the document and  the
    dll.  They may  believe that they are  safe if they simply  do not
    execute the  dll.   However, by  launching the  document they will
    invoke  the  code  in  the  dll.   They  could even have installed
    protection against "macro  virii" and believe  they are safe  from
    malicious documents.

    When  the  system  starts  a  program  that uses load-time dynamic
    linking, it uses the information  in the file to locate  the names
    of the required DLL(s).  The system then searches for the DLLs  in
    the following locations, in sequence:

        1. The  directory  that  contains  the module for the  current
        2. The current directory.
        3. The  Windows  system  directory.   The   GetSystemDirectory
           function retrieves the path of this directory.
        4. The  Windows  directory.  The GetWindowsDirectory  function
           retrieves the path of this directory.
        5. The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

    In addition, if  you use LoadLibaryEx  you can specify  a path for
    the module you want to load.

    Assuming this, the following  conditions must be met  to reproduce
    the problem discovered by Georgi Guninski:

        1. The DLL  you want to  fake must not  have been loaded  into
           memory  by  any  program  yet.   Windows  will use the copy
           already in memory in that case.
        2. The targeted program (e.g.  MS Word) must not have  the DLL
           in the same directory as it's executable.

    If the program is executed under this conditions, by clicking on a
    associated file, the  DLL in the  current directory (which  is the
    one the the file you click on  is in) is used.  There seems  to be
    an added complication.  Sometimes, NT/2000 always loads the torjan
    DLL (95/98  not tested).   Fernando Trias  has been  playing  with
    wordpad by  executing wri  files.   Even if  wordpad is loaded, it
    will  always  execute  the  trojan  DLL  if  it  is  riched32.dll,
    imm32.dll  or  gapi32.dll.   Other  DLLs  seem  to  behave  as you

    Below illustrates that this exploit works in internet explorer 5.5
    in ftp mode.   Clicking on an  ftp link in  internet explorer  (or
    redirecting via scripting or  even meta tag refresh)  converts IE5
    into ftp mode, which  if the *.dll is  in the same directory  as a
    word document on  the ftp server,  the *.dll executes.   You don't
    have  to  download  the  *.dll  and  you don't have to use Windows
    Explorer.  IE5.5 and probabaly all IE5's in ftp mode do this  just
    fine.  Also  probably the majority  of people have  disengaged the
    'confirm after download' for word documents, which means there  is
    no warning to this at all.

    There is good success executing this with Internet Explorer 5.5 in
    ftp mode:

    (obviously not  a working  example),   but linking  that either to
    href or script takes you to the directory with both the *.dll  and
    *.doc -- the *.doc opens up and this is what we find:

        1. The "hello world" message is executed
        2. The "starting or trying test.exe" message is executed
        3. DOS box comes up
        4. THEN the *.doc is downloaded and opened in Word
        5. THEN there are a  series of memory errors and  other errors
           related to windows (?)

    A whole series of events  and errors after the *.dll  is executed.
    IE5.5  patched  to  date.   Win95  system.   It  can be negated by
    'confirm  open   after  download'   for  *.doc   under   view|file
    types|word|-- this will bring up a download warning.  Of course if
    you want to attack your friend, send him a link to that plagerised
    essay  he's  been  nagging  for,  and  install  back orfice in his
    machine  at  the  same  time.  He'll  be  expecting  the  *.doc to

    Another  thing  mentioned  by  Todd  Ransom.   Most  mid  to large
    companies have workgroup, departmental, or public file shares  for
    sharing documents.   By definition  these file  shares have  to be
    writable by the department or workgroup who uses them.  You decide
    to write a trojan riched20.dll  that adds an admin account  to the
    domain and put it in \\server\public <file://\\server\public>.

    Then You  put a  word doc  out there,  remove your own permissions
    from it to ensure they will  have to open it as an  admin account,
    and call support.  presto.  Most of the financial institutions get
    pretty uptight about this type of scenario.


    Do not  double click  on Office  documents or  use "Start | Run...
    office.doc".   Instead start  the Office  application from  "Start
    Menu" and then use "File | Open".

    Both the  Office and  IE Security  Teams checked  into the report,
    and  our   overall  conclusion   is  that,   although  there   are
    circumstances under  which a  trojaned .dll  could be  launched as
    discussed  in  the  report,  there  isn't  a  compelling   exploit
    scenario.  Well, that's MS.

    True,  but  you  can  protect  the  user  from  himself by setting
    appropriate permissions on all corporate shares.  First rule: data
    shares are  for data  only, not  executables.   Second rule: users
    may write to data  shares, but not other  shares.  Then the  admin
    must do two things:

        1) Set the NTFS permissions so that users may not Execute  any
           files on the data share.
        2) Set the Share permissions to Everyone:Change instead of the
           default Everyone:Full.

    This  latter  protection  prevents  users  from  changing the NTFS
    permissions on  files/directories, *even  if they  are the owner*.
    An  admin  can  also  set   up  a  separate  Programs  share   for
    executables, but no  users should be  able to write  to this share
    at all.   Of course  the above  does not  protect against  a  user
    being  tricked  into  opening  a  document  from a share under the
    attacker's  control  somewhere  out  on  the  Internet.  "Standard
    firewall practices"  blocking incoming  and outgoing  NBT/CIFS/SMB
    should take care of that.

    Note  however  that  you  cannot  protect  the  user from files on
    *local* drives in quite the same iron-clad way.  You can set  NTFS
    permissions to  disallow Execute  on files,  but the  Owner of the
    file can override this by changing the ACL on the file.

    More resources for a possible solution for the MS Office  document
    issue.... From MSDN:

     "Activating DLL/COM Redirection

     DLL/COM redirection is activated on an application-by-application
     basis by the presence of a  ".local" file.  The ".local" file  is
     an empty  file in  the same  directory as  the application's .exe
     file, with  the same  name as  the application's  .exe file  with
     ".local" appended to the end of the name.

     For example, to activate  DLL/COM redirection for an  application
     called "myapp.exe," create an empty file called "myapp.exe.local"
     in the same directory where myapp.exe is installed.

     Once DLL/COM redirection  is activated, whenever  the application
     loads a DLL or an OCX, Windows looks first for the DLL or OCX  in
     the directory where the application's .exe file is installed.  If
     a version of the DLL or  OCX is found in the directory  where the
     application's .exe  file is  installed, the  application uses  it
     regardless of any directory path specified in the application  or
     the registry.  If a version of the DLL or OCX is not found in the
     directory where  the application's  .exe file  is installed,  the
     normal search path or server path is used."