MS Exchange Server 5.5
Ingmar Koecher found a little issue with a possible
misconfiguration with Exchange Server 5.5 and Windows NT Server
If the value LMCompatibilityLevel is added to the registry and set
to 5 on a NT server that is running Exchange Server 5.5 running
POP3 or IMAP4, a client will no longer be able to authenticate
himself to the server with clear text authentication.
Even if this configuration may sound like a contradiction, let's
explain why Ingmar thinks on this as an issue.
Tested server-configuration is Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0,
SP6a, english, PDC configuration with registry setting
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, SP3, english, POP3 enabled and
configured. Tested client-configuration is local machine (see
above) Microsoft Windows 95 Telnet Client.
POP3 Authentication is not possible anymore, error message says:
"Unknown username or bad password", even when credentials match.
Connection from the local machine, that is from the server where
Exchange Server is installed, is not possible either.
Setting LMCompatibilityLevel to 5 prevents a domain controller
from accepting LanManager NTLM authentication, only NTLM2 should
be accepted. However, a computer running Exchange Server 5.5 will
also no longer be able to accomodate POP3 clients that
authenticate via clear text. This might be an issue one of the
following scenarios:
*) A script running periodically on a server might check a
pop3 mailbox without posing a security problem through
*) POP3 clients and usernames might reside on a specific, more
secure subnet
*) A previous administrator might have added the value to the
registry without documenting it, pop3 and imap4 problems
might not be easily solved then
*) There might be other, those are the ones we could think of
NT authentication is usually never performed in clear text which
is why this registry value should not affect a pop3 server, but
the NTLM authentication option of the pop3 service.
Workarounf is to set registry value
to 4 or remove value.