Personal web server


    Win 9x with FP PWS and MS PWS


    kiborg found following while  playing with Microsoft Personal  Web
    Server (Frontpage-PWS32/   He found that  the following
    URL will list the root directory and be able to download any  file
    you want:

        Index of /....../

          My Documents
          Program Files
          FrontPage Webs

    and so on.......   This bug exists because  Windows 9x has a  nice
    feature.   When  you  excecute  "cd  .."  it  goes  to  the parent
    directory, and  "cd ..."  goes to  the parent  directory of parent
    directory  etc.   Windows  NT  has  no  such  feature  so it isn't
    exploitable.  So, IIS 4.0  and PWS 3.0 exploitable while  executed
    under Windows 9x only, not  Windows NT.  Personal Web  Server does
    not check for these "aliases" and allows the request.  This can be
    used to access files and  directories above the virtual web  root.
    Disabling  directory  browsing  only  does  what it says, disables
    directory browsing.  If an attcker can guess a path and name of  a
    file,  and  it  is  in  the  same  drive as the web server, he can
    retrieve the file.    Rule to  remember is that  N number of  dots
    represent  N  -  1  directories  above,  in which case '....' is 3
    directories  above,  '.....'  is  4  directories above, and so on.
    Although some  of the  affected products  are provided  as part of
    Windows 95 and 98, none are  turned on by default.  Further,  none
    of the  affected products  exhibit the  vulnerability when  run on
    Windows NT.


    I'm not quite sure if I  will shot right patch here, but  MS99-010
    sounds like it. MS  highly recommends that customers  evaluate the
    degree of risk that this vulnerability  poses to their systems and
    determine whether  to download  and install  the patch.   The only
    customers who may be affected by this vulnerability are those  who
    use Windows 95 or 98 to host a personal web site.  As noted above,
    Windows NT  users who  host personal  web sites  are not  affected
    by this vulnerability.  If you are using Windows 95 or 98 to  host
    a personal web site but have never installed FrontPage:

      You are  running Microsoft  Personal Web  Server.   Only version
      4.0 requires  a patch.   To determine  whether you  are  running
      version  4.0,  right-click  on  the  Personal Web Server icon in
      the Windows taskbar system tray  (next to the System Clock)  and
      choose  Properties.   If  a  dialog  box  titled  "Personal  Web
      Manager" appears,  then you  are running  Microsoft Personal Web
      Server 4.0 and need to install the patch located at

      If the title is anything other than "Personal Web Manager",  you
      do not need the patch.

    If you are using Windows 95 or 98 to host a personal web site  and
    have installed FrontPage:

      As  detailed  in  Affected  Software  Versions, most users of MS
      FrontPage  are  not  affected  by  this  vulnerability.  Use the
      following guidelines to determine if you need this patch:

      If you are using FrontPage 98:
      1. Start FrontPage,  then open a  web site on  the local machine
         by selecting  the Open  FrontPage Web  command from  the File
      2. On  the  Tools  Menu,  select  Web  Settings.   Select    the
         Configuration tab.
      3. If   the  value   in  the   "Server  Version"   field   reads
         "Microsoft-IIS/4.0",  Microsoft  Personal  Web  Server 4.0 is
         installed and you should apply the patch located at

      4. If   the  value   in  the   "Server  Version"   field   reads
         "FrontPage-PWS32/X.X.X.XXXX"  (where  the   Xs  signify   any
         digit), the  FrontPage Personal  Web Server  is installed and
         you should install  the patch for  FrontPage 98 users  of the
         FrontPage Personal Web Server located at

      5. If  the  value  in  the  "Server Version" field is any  other
         value, you do not need the patch.

      If you are using FrontPage 97:
      1. Start FrontPage, then open a web site on the local machine by
         selecting the Open FrontPage Web command from the File menu.
      2. On  the  Tools  Menu,   select  Web  Settings.  Select    the
         Configuration tab.
      3. If   the  value   in  the   "Server  Version"   field   reads
         "Microsoft-IIS/4.0",  Microsoft  Personal  Web  Server 4.0 is
         installed and you should apply the patch at located at

      4. If   the  value   in  the   "Server  Version"   field   reads
         "FrontPage-PWS32/X.X.X.XXXX"  (where  the   Xs  signify   any
         digit), the  FrontPage Personal  Web Server  is installed and
         you  should  upgrade  to  Microsoft  Personal Web Server 4.0,
         which can be downloaded from

         then install the patch for Microsoft Personal Web Server  4.0
         located at

         (Users  needing  remote  authoring  should follow a different
         upgrade path,  detailed in  Microsoft Knowledge  Base Article
         Q217765,  FP97:  Security  Patch  for  FrontPage Personal Web
      5. If  the  value  in  the  "Server Version" field is any  other
         value, you do not need the patch.

    If you are using FrontPage 1.1:
    You need to  upgrade to Microsoft  Personal Web Server  4.0, which
    can be downloaded from

    then  install  the  patch  for  Microsoft  Personal Web Server 4.0
    located at