WinNT 4.0
Ilia Sprite found following. MSTask.exe is an application that
ships with the Windows NT 4.0. A strange behavior was discovered
in the MSTask.exe code. If exploited, this vulnerability allows
and attacker to slow down vulnerable Windows NT and sometimes to
freeze it.
It appears, from testing done, that MSTask.exe, usually listening
on TCP 1026 (or some high port) will cause memory to be consumed
if it is connected to and some random characters are sent to it.
After such a connection, eventually the machine will freeze. The
only solution appears to be a reboot.
MSTask.exe, however, only permits connections via the localhost,
or, so on most systems such an attack would have to
originate from someone at the console (or connected via Terminal
However, if WinGate or Winproxy installed on the system, system
becames vulnerable for remote attackers, because they can connect
to system's 1026 tcp port via wingate or winproxy, and connection
will be accepted.
To reproduce the problem, use Winnt 4.0 Workstation. Do the
1. Start telnet.exe
2. Menu->Connect->Remote System= , Port=1026
3. Press 'Connect' button
4. When it is connects, type some random characters and press
5. Close telnet.exe.
Now you can see in taskmanager, that CPU usage is near 100%
because of MSTask.exe. Sometimes (not always) system halts,
sometimes MStask.exe listens on 1027 port or higher. Windows
2000 Enterprise Server has MSTask.exe and listens at 1026 port.
MSTASK.EXE is evident on Windows 98 SE. WinME also has MSTask.exe
also in \Windows\System, but it doesn't seem to be vulnerable.
That MSTASK is a task scheduler can be verified by opening the
C:\WINDOWS\HELP\MSSTASK.CHD file, or looking at the ASCII inside
In MSTASK.CHD there is a helpful note on how to view and alter
scheduled tasks on (from) remote computers. This should be very
helpful for administrators, worms and exploiters. This method
relies on the PWL files for security. One can move the MSTASK
files into a holding area, such as \WINDOWS\GARBAGE (then compress
it, like ZIP, to remove obvious traces from hostile file searches.
Better still, make a Zip drive of removed garbage, kept for when
Windows crashes next. One system had these elements in the
It is important to note that schedule.exe (on NT4) will be
upgraded to Task Scheduler when the Offline Browsing Pack is
installed during IE5.x setup. The same will happen with IE4.x if
you download the Task Scheduler component. You can avoid the
upgrade by choosing not to install the Offline Browsing Pack (NT4
only). However, you will not be able to synchronize web pages
for offline reading.
To cover all bases, yes Task Scheduler is used for more than just
scheduled web synchronizations. The Microsoft Critical Update
Notification, PCHealth, Tune-Up, etc. automatically schedule
themselves too. Win98 and newer will automatically use Task
Scheduler for these things.
MSTASK.EXE is installed by IE5. It is in fact a replacement for
the task scheduler, originally the scheduler service. It changes
the registry of the service from Scheduler to Task Scheduler, and
switches itself to auto.
MSTask.exe, however, only permits connections via the localhost,
or, so on most systems such an attack would have to
originate from someone at the console (or connected via Terminal
However, if WinGate or Winproxy installed on the system, system
becames vulnerable for remote attackers, because they can connect
to system's 1026 tcp port via wingate or winproxy, and connection
will be accepted.
Any updates for this information available at
Tests done by Marty Reed showed that Win2000 (all versions) are
bug free as for the above.