netbios (feature using nbtstat)
Win95, NT
Chris Williams posted following. It seems someone on a win95 can
remotly get accsess to shared directorys on win95/NT mechines.
This bug/prossess was posted in thtj #14. The attacker uses
nbtstat to list the current mechines running a netbois session,
adds that mechine to his lmhosts file, refreshes his own netbois
session and then searches for the computer name. If the mechine
shows up. he/she now has accsess to un-passworded directorys on
that mechine.
Here's the attack sequence to go threw to test your mechine:
nbtstat -A ipaddy#
If there is a netbois session running it returns the computers on
it and the groups. Write down the first name you see that has a
UNIQE next to it. Now open up c:\windows\lmhosts (or your equiv)
and add
ipaddy mechinename
Save it, and purge your netbois session:
nbtstat -R
It shoudl say purge succsessful. If it dosn't you have a
networking error. Now go to find computer and serch for the
computer name, if found, double click on it and u have their
shared dirs right there for you. Its not even really logged.
This is rather large securty flaw in the way Netbois trust works.
Quick fix is easy, just password your dirs.... but this seems to
be a hole out of lousy networking authentication. It is just the
normal way using NBTSTAT command.