

    Win9x, NT and 2000


    Following   is   based   on   COVERT   Labs   Security    Advisory
    (COVERT-2000-10).   The  Microsoft  Windows  implementation of the
    NetBIOS  cache  allows  a  remote  attacker  to  insert  and flush
    dynamic cache entries as well as overwrite static entries  through
    unsolicited  unicast  or  broadcast  UDP  datagrams.  As a result,
    remote attackers either on the local subnet or across the Internet
    may subvert the NetBIOS Name  to IP address resolution process  by
    redirecting any NetBIOS Name to any arbitrary IP address under the
    control of the attacker.

    The NetBIOS Name resolution process resolves NetBIOS Names into IP
    addresses for  many operations,  including session  establishment.
    RFC 1001 (15.1.8) suggests that "an end-node may maintain a  local
    cache of NetBIOS  name to IP  address translation entries".   This
    NetBIOS cache  is examined  before queries  are passed  to support
    services.  The current contents can be examined via "nbtstat -c".

    The CIFS  family of  protocols includes  a browsing  protocol that
    allows for  the dynamic  discovery of  servers running  particular
    services.   The  CIFS  Browsing  protocol  supplies  a dynamically
    generated  Browse  List   of  network  resources.    The   Network
    Neighborhood in  Windows NT  4 and  My Network  Places in  Windows
    2000 provide a basic interface to some of the information provided
    in a Browse List.

    Interactions between Microsoft's implementation of NetBIOS and the
    CIFS Browsing  Protocols have  created vulnerabilities  allowing a
    remote attacker either on a local subnet or across the internet to
    subvert the NetBIOS Name resolution process.

    The Microsoft designed CIFS  Browser Protocol defines a  number of
    Browse  Frames  encapsulated  within  a  NetBIOS datagram which is
    defined in RFC 1002 (4.4).  The NetBIOS datagram header contains a
    source and destination NetBIOS name, as well as a second source IP
    address, in addition to the IP headers.

    When  a  Browse  Frame  Request  is  received  on  UDP  port  138,
    Microsoft's implementation extracts  information from the  NetBIOS
    datagram header and stores  the information in the  NetBIOS cache.
    The source  NetBIOS Name  and source  IP address  from the NetBIOS
    datagram header are  blindly extracted from  the UDP datagram  and
    inserted into the NetBIOS cache.

    As  an  interesting  side  note,  when  a Browse Frame Response is
    generated  the  NetBIOS  cache  is  examined to resolve the source
    NetBIOS name  of the  previous request  and delivered  to that  IP
    address.  Because the NetBIOS  cache entry for the source  NetBIOS
    name  is  under  control  of  the  attacker,  the  response can be
    delivered to an arbitrary host.

    It is important to note that dynamic NetBIOS cache entries can  be
    inserted in addition to  overwriting static entries imported  from
    the LMHOSTS  file.   Furthermore, the  NetBIOS cache  is corrupted
    with an  unsolicited UDP  datagram, removing  the requirement  for
    attackers  to  predict  Transaction  IDs.   With the NetBIOS cache
    under  the  control  of  a  remote attacker many opportunities are
    available, one  of the  most obvious  is to  subvert outbound  SMB
    connections to  an arbitrary  address.   A rogue  SMB server would
    then  be  able  to  capture  NT  username  and  password hashes as

    In addition to inserting entries into the NetBIOS cache it is also
    possible to flush dynamic entries.  RFC 1001 (15.1.8) states  that
    "a node ought to flush any cache information associated with an IP
    address if the node receives any information indicating that there
    may  be  any  possibility  of  trouble  with  the  node at that IP
    address".   One  possible  way  to  flush  dynamic  NetBIOS  cache
    entries is to deliver an unsolicited Positive Name Query  response
    that provides a  different IP address  to NetBIOS name  mapping to
    the entry in the NetBIOS cache.

    In a manner  similar to DNS,  the NetBIOS name  resolution process
    utilizes  a  16-bit  Transaction  ID  to  associate  requests  and
    responses.   The Microsoft  implementation of  NetBIOS contains an
    easily  predictable  Transaction   ID,  although  the   previously
    discussed  vulnerability  is  a  much  more  effective  method  of
    inserting entries into the NetBIOS cache.

    The  discovery  and  documentation   of  this  vulnerability   was
    conducted by Anthony Osborne at the COVERT Labs of PGP Security.


    COVERT  Labs  have  worked  with  Microsoft  in  accordance   with
    Microsoft's Security Policies in  an attempt to provide  customers
    with a patch to eliminate this vulnerability.  Despite their  best
    efforts and  extensive discussions,  Microsoft believes  that this
    issue is  a result  of the  unauthenticated nature  of the NetBIOS
    protocol and will not be providing a security patch.

    To work around the NetBIOS cache corruption security vulnerability
    there are a number of potential solutions.  The most effective  is
    to  upgrade  to  Windows  2000  and "Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP".
    Obviously, this is an impractical solution for many organizations.
    Some other potential solutions include:

        o Block  ports  135-139  and  445,  both UDP and TCP, at  your
          network perimeter to protect from external attackers.
        o Because NetBIOS name resolution (either through broadcast or
          WINS) is subject to this cache corruption attack, it  should
          not  be  relied  upon  to  perform  hostname  to  IP address
        o  Disable  the  "WINS  Client"  binding including the NetBIOS
          Interface, Server and Workstation services.  It is important
          to  disable  all  services  that  register a NetBIOS name as
          shown by  nbtstat -n.   Selectively unbinding  the  "NetBIOS
          interface"  or  other  specific  services  such as Server or
          Workstation will still allow attackers to talk to a  NetBIOS
          name and corrupt the NetBIOS cache.
        o It  is important  to note  the Computer  Browser Service  is
          independent of  Browse Frame  processing and  generation (at
          least within the bounds  of this vulnerability).   Disabling
          the service has no impact upon this vulnerability.

    Russ Cooper added following:

        - Block UDP138 on internal networks. If WINS is being used its
          unnecessary.   This, coupled  with the  fact that broadcasts
          across subnets  should normally  be blocked  also and you've
          ensured that poisoning can  only happen on the  same segment
          (thereby minimizing  the number  of suspects  should it ever
        - SMB  signing  would  prevent  clients  from  attempting   to
          authenticate against rogue servers implanted in caches.  The
          poisoning then becomes a DoS.
        - A better solution, and  really the only secure solution  for
          anyone wishing  to continue  to use  NetBIOS/SMB, is  to use
          IPSEC.   IPSEC  would  obviously  prevent  this, and lots of
          other vulnerabilities in NetBIOS.