

    Netscape 4.06 (other versions?)


    Philip Stoev found following.  Netscape 4.6 Win98 (possibly  other
    versions as well)  process mailto: URLs  so that each  item in the
    URL becomes  a recepient  of the  empty message  that opens up for
    editing.  Therefore, an URL like:

        <a href="mailto:
        ["a " repeated 10000000 times]
        "> Click here </a>

    such as:

        <a href="mailto:
        a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
        "> Click here </a>

    will  make  Communicator  open  up  an  email  message  and  start
    inserting hundreds of recepients into the header part, effectively
    shutting down until this process is complete (minutes or more?).


    Nothing yet.