MS Word connected to DB/2 (ODBC)
Win9x, NT
Klaus Kusche posted following. This was tested under following
MS NT 4.0
MS Word 97
IBM DB2 ODBC Client (and DB/2 on an OS/390 mainframe)
What to do:
1.) Create a Word document referring to the database (e.g. a
mass mailing letter accessing a DB/2 address database).
2.) Connect to the database, enter your userid and password
for the database server in the dialog.
3.) Save the document while the database connection is still
established (i.e. while you can still browse through the
data in the database).
The saved Word document contains your database server userid and
password ***in cleartext***!!! (except for a blank inserted every
second character, e.g. "pass" is stored as "p a s s"). You can
check with any ASCII editor, e.g. Notepad. Not good if your
documents are on a fileshare to which others have read access,
even worse if you attach such a document to an external email!
It wasn't checked if the same is true for other MS Office
applications (Excel, ...) and for other databases requiring
userids and passwords, but there are no reason why other ODBC
connections should behave better.
Nothing yet.