

    MS Outlook 8.5.5104.6


    Mikael  Olsson  found  following.    It  seems  that  MS   Outlook
    8.5.5104.6 screws  up when  displaying the  following string  in a
    mail message:


    Note that you do  NOT need to click  it, just displaying the  mail
    message  will   crash  Outlook.    The   results  are   completely
    unpredictable, everything  from hanging,  crashing or  complaining
    about not being able to  display a particular font or  complaining
    about being out of memory?!?!?!

    David Reed added following.  Let's try following:

         <script language="JavaScript1.2">

    in  the  source  of  signature.   It  won't  DoS  the  box, but it
    will took Outlook  98 with it;  ISDN won't like  it too.   You can
    nuke yourself, too; running Outlook 2000.


    Nothing  yet...  Seems  other  versions  are  OK.   Several people
    responded to  saying that  they have  no problems  with this.  One
    possible problem  causer could  be the  preview pane;  the crashes
    witnessed all had the preview  pane activated.  Also, the  version
    of MSIE installed would probably affect the outcome.