

    Outlook 5.5


    'http-equiv'  found   following.    Internet  Explorer   5.5   and
    accompanying mail and news client afford us the unique ability  to
    dictate which icons and file extensions we require.  Specifically,
    we are able to manufacture an email message to appear as one thing
    when in fact it is not.

    What?  By carefully calculating a certain length of characters  in
    the subject  field of  an email  message, Outlook  Express 5.5 for
    whatever reason  creates an  attachment incorporating  the text in
    the body of the message.

    And?  We have in fact not attached anything, yet there is a  fully
    functional  attachment.   Furthermore  we  can  dictate which file
    association and applicable icon we require in order to execute our
    file.  We can  create it to appear  as an image file,  sound file,
    html file etc. etc.

    What does this mean:

        MIME-Version: 1.0
        Content-Type: image/gif; charset=us-ascii
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    This will create an email message with no reference to attachments
    in the headers.  This  can be particularly troublesome to  content
    filtering  gateways  and/or   security  applications  that   strip
    attachments   through   header   information   that   is   content
    disposition:   attachment;   content-type:    application/malware;
    filename:  iloveyou.vbs

    What the above  does is create  an attachment, which  in this case
    is an  *.hta file,  but by  manipulating the  content-type, it  is
    given an  image file  icon.   We then  include in  the body of our
    email message the  very simple code  to execute whatever  we wish,
    which  is   automatically  incorporated   into  the   manufactured

    Working example follows.  Note: Right-click and save to disk.   To
    be  opened  in  the  mail  client.   Harmless  WSH code to execute
    telnet.exe on the local machine:

    The  possibilities  are  endless.  Any  text based executable will
    suffice.  It  is also trivial  to introduce outside  code into the
    temporary internet folder, where the *.hta is opened.  We can draw
    an executable into the TIF via the image tag (though it  numbers),
    and also by the bgsound tag (which is not numbered).

    The main problem  lies in the  fact that we  can dictate the  icon
    which has always been a  goal of VX community to  dupe recipients.
    Furthermore  the  fact  that  there  are  not  legitimate   header
    informations  for  content  filtering  and  security   application
    screening of attachments etc. is equally problematic.

    This has been tested on  IE5.5 and OE5.5 win98, fully  patched and
    updated with all so-called service packs.

    1. There  is still  the security  warning with  opening the  file.
       However the icon representing the content type should override,
       most if not all's concern.
    2. The actual file extension (*.hta in this case) seems to have to
       appear in the security warning dialogue box, you can see it  at
       the very end to execute.  If the subject length is too long, it
       creates an odd *.tx  file which calls up  'what do you want  to
       open this with [something to this effect]' system requirement.
    3. This  appears  to  be  somewhat  similar to something  examined
       several months ago:

    Quick testing  with IE/OE  5.0 suggests  you need  a 1 char longer
    Subject: for this to work  on that version (OE Help/About  reports

    Quick testing with Outlook 2000 suggests you need a 3 char shorter
    Subject:  for  this  to  work  on that version (Outlook Help/About
    reports   Rather  oddly,  Outlook  2000  sees   such
    messages  as  having  two  attachments  -- with the right Subject:
    length both  of these  "attachments" work  as under  OE.  (This is
    standard Office 2000 release -- no SPs or patches.)

    Quick testing with Outlook 98  suggests you need a 3  char shorter
    Subject:  for  this  to  work  on that version (Outlook Help/About
    reports  8.5.5104.5).   Like  Outlook  2000,  Outlook 98 sees such
    messages  as  having  two  attachments  -- with the right Subject:
    length  both  of  these  "attachments"  work  as under OE.  If the
    Subject:   string is  a few  chars longer  (I tried  1 and 3) than
    that required for  the exploit to  work, Outlook 98  causes an IPF
    in  OUTLMIME.DLL  during  download  of  the  message from a server
    (i.e.   before  you  have  chance  to  delete the message, and, in
    fact, before Outlook has deleted  the message from the server,  so
    this becomes something like that earlier invalid MIME header  DoS.
    (This is standard  Office 98 release  -- no SPs  or patches --  so
    the DoS may  be fixed by  any patches released  to deal with  that
    earlier bug.)

    This exploit seems  to be based  on some form  of buffer overflow.
    With some  of the  mailers above,  when the  Subject: line is four
    chars too short,  if you try  to save the  "attachment" you get  a
    filename of ".hta.gif",  if three chars  too short, ""  and
    so on.


    Nothing yet.