Outlook 98


    Win plaforms


    Russ Cooper found following.   This problem describes issues  with
    the  Protected  Storage  subsystem  in   NT  and  Win9x,  and   in
    particular, its use with S/MIME and Outlook '98.

    A user  has obtained  a Digital  Certificate from  Verisign to use
    with  S/MIME,  and  during  installation,  has chosen to set their
    security  level  to  "Medium"  (which  means  that each time their
    certificate is used, a dialog  will appear informing them).   Said
    certificate can  be used  to both  digitally sign,  and encrypt, a
    message sent from Outlook '98.

    After  creating  a  message  and  setting  the options to sign and
    encrypt, the user  presses the "Send"  button. The message  window
    closes and the Protected Storage dialog appears informing them  of
    the use of their certificate.  The dialog has 3 buttons and an "X"
    to close  it. "Ok",  "Cancel", and  "Details". The  message is not
    acted on until this dialog  is closed by clicking "Ok",  "Cancel",
    or the "X".  Based on  the presentation of a "Cancel" button,  the
    user decides (for whatever reason)  that the action should not  be
    completed.  The natural assumption is that the message will not be
    sent.  The problem is that  message is sent, and what's worse,  by
    clicking  on  the  cancel  button,  the  message  is  sent without

    What happens is that the request to apply the digital  certificate
    (and then use that mechanism to encrypt the message) is completely
    cancelled,  but  the  message  gets  sent  anyway.   The  targeted
    recipients will receive a message  that appears to have a  digital
    certificate (they will  see a little  blue ribbon icon  beside the
    message), but when they open it a dialog will appear indicating  a
    problem with the  signature of the  message.  This  dialog lists a
    variety of information  about the signing  of the message  that is
    supposed  to  be  based  on  the  presence of an actual signature.
    However, since the  sender cancelled the  use of their  signature,
    no certificate is  actually attached.   The receiver is  told, for
    example, that the message;

    - The signature is invalid
      *this makes sense, it was never signed)

    - The message is digitally signed
      *yet it isn't

    - The contents were not altered after it was signed
      *it was never signed, so how does it know this?

    - The certificate is not revoked
      *it was never signed, so how does it know this?

    - The certificate is not expired
      *it was never signed, so how does it know this?

    - The certificate is trusted
      *it was never signed, so how does it know this?

    - Email address on certificate is same as sender's address
      *it was never signed, so how does it know this?

    - There are other failure reasons
      *When there are  other failure reasons  Outlook states "You  can
       look at  the problems  with the  certificate by  selecting View
       Certificate", but the View Certificate button is grayed because
       there was no certificate!

    To top that off, Outlook has a View Message button on this dialog.
    When you click that button  Outlook displays the message that  was
    sent, unencrypted.

    The risks  here should  be obvious.   When the  original Protected
    Storage  dialog  box  appears  to  inform  you  of the use of your
    certificate, users  are going  to believe  that hitting  Cancel is
    going to cancel their message  entirely.  If the message  composed
    was intended  to be  encrypted, due  to its  sensitive nature, and
    they do  hit  Cancel,  this sensitive   information will  be  sent
    encrypted.   Further, no  other information  is provided  to   the
    sender.   They are  not informed  that the  message has  been sent
    anyway unencrypted.  If the recipient views the contents by  using
    the  View  Message  button,  they  are  then able to reply to that
    original  message.   If  they   do  reply,  Encryption  has   been
    automatically dropped from the  Options, but again, this  has been
    done without notification to the user.  Hence a conversation could
    carry  on  between  the  two  individuals  without  either of them
    realizing  that  the  messages  were  being sent unencrypted.  The
    warning dialogs do not explain to the recipient what is wrong with
    the message, just  that its an  invalid signature. Since  they can
    still  see  the  message  (albeit  by  clicking  a  few unfamiliar
    buttons), they may obviously believe everything is proceeding.


    One workaround for this issue is to not set the security level  to
    Medium or High but to use  Low instead.  This prevents the  dialog
    box from appearing at all, so its not possible to mistakenly  send
    unencrypted   messages   in    the   fashion   described    above.
    Unfortunately,   this   workaround   introduces   another  exploit
    possibility.  If the setting is  set to Low, then a rogue  process
    could cause  a message  to be  created by  your machine  and sent,
    signed  with  your  certificate,  all  without  you  knowing.  The
    purpose  of  the  Medium  setting  is  to  avoid  precisely   this
    possibility.   Setting  your  security  level  to  High  is  not a
    workaround.   You  will  then  be  presented  with numerous dialog
    boxes, none of which provide any useful information as to what  is
    taking place.