MS Outlook (98 and Express), Netscape Mail & Eudora, etc (see below)


    Win 9.x, NT, Solaris 2.x, Caldera, HP, NetBSD


    A  buffer   overrun  has   been  detected   in  Outlook    Express
    (v4.72.2106.4 & v4.72.3110.1), and Netscape Mail (v4.05 &  4.5b1).
    So far only  the Macintosh versions  have proven unaffected.   Ari
    Takanen and  Marko Laakso  of the  Finnish Oulu  University Secure
    Programming Group discovered it back in late June.  They have been
    working  closely  with  AUSCERT   and  the  vendors.   CIAC,   and
    COAST/CERIAS (via Gene Spafford) have also been involved.

    The  exploit  method  is  slightly  different in the two different
    products (MS versus NS), but  it centers around the malicious  use
    of tags used to identify  an attachment. The attachment itself  is
    not relevant, its contents need not contain any exploit. The  tags
    that identify the attachment contain the exploit code.  Therefore,
    the  exploit  code  can  be  invoked  without actually opening the
    attachment itself (and in at least one test scenario, without even
    opening the  message!).   When Outlook  98 attempts  to download a
    message with a file attachment that has a filename greater than  a
    certain  length,  Outlook  could  terminate unexpectedly. The user
    does not have to open the  attachment in order for this to  occur.
    This issue  will only  occur if  Outlook 98  is installed  with an
    Internet Mail Only configuration, or with an Internet Mail service
    in the Corporate/Workgroup configuration.  When the user  attempts
    to  open  an  attachment  in  the  Outlook  98  newsreader and the
    attachment  has  a  filename  longer  than  a  certain  number  of
    characters, the  client could  crash.   When the  user attempts to
    open an attachment in Outlook Express mail or news client and  the
    attachment  has  a  filename  longer  than  a  certain  number  of
    characters, the client could terminate unexpectedly.

    The exploit has been demonstrated in email and news, and has  been
    confirmed by both Microsoft and Netscape. COAST has suggested that
    Eudora is thus far unaffected by the same problem.  There are  too
    many possible avenues of exploit  to document here, and many  have
    not yet been  tested. Attachment type  does not appear  to matter,
    so it could as easily be done with a .txt file as a .gif, or .doc,
    or .zip.  Thus far there is no demonstration exploit available  in
    the wild, but its likely that such a program will appear.  As long
    as affected versions of the exploitable software continue to exist
    (and there is  enough of them  around to say  they'll likely exist
    for a long time, like  the version shipped with Windows  '98), the
    chances of a new Internet Worm loom over our heads.

    The exploit does work on  Windows NT, as well as  Windows '95/'98,
    and with Outlook Express on Solaris 2.x. Microsoft indicated  they
    found an issue with Outlook '98 also, look for details of this  in
    their bulletin.

    Ryan Veety  added following.   There have  been a  few posts about
    overflows in MS Outlook, but  they have not told exactly  where in
    the message the overflow exists.  He found one of them, within the
    description of an attachment. If the filename given is very large,
    it makes Outlook crash.   This was tested on Outlook  v4.72.2106.4
    on NT 4.0, and  on win95.  In  both cases it reported  an error at
    address 0x41414141 (41 == hex A).  Here is the message that caused
    the errors:

    From: <From address here>
    To: <To address here>
    Subject: test
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="204-1969819122-901726347=:19806"

      This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
      while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
      Send mail to for more info.

    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

    Don't read this text file

    To send the message, save it to a file, set the to: and from:, and
    run "sendmail -t < fileyousaved".   It causes Outlook to  crash
    when the user attempts to open  or save the file.  There  are many
    of  these  overflows  in  the  attachment  discriptors.   This one
    requires the user  to open the  attachment, but similar  overflows
    may not.

    Phillip  R.  Jaenke  confirmed  this  breaks popclient, presumably
    fetchpop.   They  apparently  parse  the  headers  completely when
    writing to  a file  (-o option).   Basically,  popclient/fetchpop,
    when outputting,  parse ALL  headers.   No matter  WHERE they are.

	From: Bob Dobbs <>
	To: popclient luser <>
	Subject: haha.

	lalalalaaaa... alalalalaaa

	RandomHeader: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<etc, etc>

    popclient/fetchpop will  parse this  incorrectly, resulting  in an
    attempt to delete  a message which  does not exit.  popclient will
    then segfault. Pine  appears to have  no problems with  headers in
    messages tho.

    As for Eudora, Brett Glass said there may be trouble too.   Create
    a message with a  file attachment and sent  it to yourself.   Edit
    your  mail  file  on  the  UNIX  server  that  handles  your mail,
    replacing  the  file  name  with  about  520  characters' worth of
    "1234567890".  If  polled with Eudora  Pro 4.0.1 when  the message
    came in, it will be garbled and the MIME header with the  gigantic
    file name will appear  in the body of  the message when it  should
    not have done so. The huge file name will be displayed next to  an
    icon, but  clicking on  the icon  will not  bring up  the attached
    file; it  will generate  an error  message instead.   When deleted
    the message,  the attachment  will not  be deleted  with it  as it
    should have been.  After continued use of the mail client it  will
    shortly thereafter GP fault.

    As for next link, read this:

    1. The file is zipped.   In order for you to execute  this trojan,
       you will have  to willing follow  several steps, and  therefore
       can not claim that you did so on acccident.

    2. There is no link on a web page to this file, it cannot be found
       without knowing the link.   We disclaim any responsibility  for
       others linking to this file.   This was done intentioanlly,  so
       that only people who read  this note would know where  the file
       is, and would therefore be warned about the consequences.   You
       *MAY NOT* download this file without reading this entire  note.
       Downloading and/or executing or unzipping this file constitutes
       agreement that you have read this note, and have been warned of
       the behavior of the trojan program.  We claim no responsibility
       for any damages caused by it.

    3.  This  program  intentionally  performs  actions  that could be
       considered damaging  or hostile,  to your  system and  to other
       systems.  We claim no  responsibility for any actions taken  by
       this program.   Failure to  properly isolate  this program  may
       result  in  your  system  attacking  other  systems,  and legal
       action may be taken against you.

       Finally, here is the URL:


    Netscape have said that the fix for Netscape Mail will be included
    in their v4.06 release, due out around August 7th.  See:

    To  get  the  update  for  Microsoft  Outlook  98 for Windows '95,
    Windows '98 & Windows NT, see

	1. On the Microsoft File  Exchange page, click "Click Here  to
	   Receive a file from a Microsoft Technical Support  engineer
	   via your web browser."
	2. On the "Receiving Files From MFSE" page, type OLMIME in the
	   box, and click Continue
	3. The name of the file is outpatch.exe

    This  patch  will  work  for  all  language  versions of Microsoft
    Outlook 98.  If you use  the Outlook 98 newsreader, you must  also
    install the update for Outlook Express noted below.

    If you  are using  Outlook Express  4.0 that  comes with  Internet
    Explorer 4.0, you must upgrade to Internet Explorer 4.01 in  order
    to apply this update.   You can upgrade to Internet  Explorer 4.01
    with Service  Pack 1  for IE.   To get  the update  for  Microsoft
    Outlook Express 4.01  for Windows '95,  Windows '98 &  Windows NT,

    The update for Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 for the Macintosh &
    Solaris will be released shortly, please visit:

    Customers who cannot apply the hot fix to Outlook Express can  use
    the following workaround to  temporarily address this issue.   For
    Outlook Express people  who get attachments  in e-mail should  NOT
    click on the attachment.  They should save the attachment to their
    hard  drive  and  then  view  the  attachment  using  the  Windows

    Caldera Inc.
	Caldera is  currently investigating  these issues  and in  the
	process of releasing a fix. Updated RPMs will be uploaded to:

    Hewlett-Packard Company
	The version  of dtmail  supplied by  HP, as  part of  HP's CDE
	product, is vulnerable.   This applies to HP9000  Series 7/800
	running HP-UX releases 10.10,  10.20, 10.24, 10.30, and  11.00
	only. Install the patches listed below:

	HP-UX release 10.10  HP9000 Series 7/800   PHSS_16150
	HP-UX release 10.20  HP9000 Series 7/800   PHSS_16147
	HP-UX release 10.24  HP9000 Series 7/800   PHSS_16197
	HP-UX release 10.30  HP9000 Series 7/800   PHSS_16151
	HP-UX release 11.00  HP9000 Series 7/800   PHSS_16148

    NetBSD Foundation
    The NetBSD  Foundation package  system contains  packages for mutt
    and pine.  All users should upgrade to the latest version of these
    packages as soon as possible. Updated binary packages will  become
    available on the NetBSD FTP  server as soon as possible,  and will
    be announced on the list.

    The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (SCO)
	SCO UnixWare  7 dtmail  may be  vulnerable -  investigation is
	continuing.  Pending  this investigation, SCO  recommends that
	dtmail not  be used  on UnixWare  7; mail  may be  safely read
	using mailx or Netscape Navigator.

    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    The  following  patches  are  available  in  relation to the above

	SunOS               Patch ID
	_____               _________
	SunOS 5.6           106650-01

	SunOS 5.6_x86       106659-01

	SunOS 5.5.1         104093-05

	SunOS 5.5.1_x86     105127-02

	SunOS 5.5           102839-05

	SunOS 5.5_x86       102840-04

	SunOS 5.4           101880-13

	SunOS 5.4_x86       101892-13

	SunOS 5.3           101605-06

	SunOS 4.1.4         100544-11

	SunOS 4.1.3_U1      100544-11

    University of Washington
	The source patch is available from:

    John Hardin has  updated his procmail  "kit" to shorten  long file
    names on MIME attachments. This should prevent potential  exploits
    in mail clients such  as Outlook, Outlook Express,  Netscape Mail,
    and  possibly  Eudora  (there's  still  some  debate about whether
    Eudora is susceptible).  John's  procmail filter kit can be  found

    You can view his  "recipe" for solving the  problem at the end  of
    the file: