

    Those using OE (all versions?)


    YoDuh found following.  He found a problem in qualcomm popper (and
    presumabley  others)  in  that  it  doesn't  check for an existing
    X-UIDL:  headers, but simpley uses  it when the client sends in  a
    uidl request.   This problem can  manifest itself as  an effective
    denial of service attack against microsoft outlook clients because
    outlook looks  for unique  uidl's for  each message  and if  there
    are duplicates  it will  hang prior  to downloading  any mail.  It
    was tested on all known versions of outlook (specifically  tested:
    Outlook Express,  Outlook 97,  Outlook 98,  Outlook 2000  and with
    applied appropriate service packs with no change in behavior).

    MUA's use a messages  uidl as part of  a pop transaction to  check
    whether they have received the message before (most include  other
    checks also).   Usually the field  is calculated when  the message
    is first read by the popper.  A lot of poppers will store the uidl
    for  that  message  in  an  X-UIDL:  header  to  avoid  having  to
    recalculate  it  every  time  the  client  checks  thier   e-mail.
    However, mail messages may arrive into a mailbox with a predefined
    X-UIDL:  header.  Most popper daemons will use this header instead
    of calculating a new header. If two messages arrive with the  same
    (duplicate)  X-UIDL:  header  outlook  will  freak  on the initial
    negotiation where is sends a uidl command to the pop server.  Most
    of the time  Outlook will simply  stop all activity  at that point
    and you won't  be able to  download anything, very  rarely (one in
    about  20  tries)  it  will  give  you  an  error and then let you
    continue the download.


    Other  mail  clients  seem  to  handle  this  more   intelligently
    (Netscape,  and  Eudora  light  at  least  are  unaffected). It is
    possible  that  some  clients  will  handle  this differently (ie:
    skipping messages, etc..), but that is unverified.

    Some  tested  it  with  Outlook  2000  with  Windows 98 and had no
    problem.   As  Neil  Christie  pointed  out  this  is the fault of
    Outlook and not  Qpopper. Here is  what he had  to say.   The POP3
    RFC suggests that  duplicate UIDLs are  acceptable for example  in
    the situation that there are two identical copies of 1 message  in
    a mailbox.  As  such the fault is  with Outlook etc in  failing to
    handle this  as opposed  to in  qpopper for  generating / allowing
    them.   Whether  the  POP  server  should  accept  incoming   UIDL
    headers  in  the  message  or  always  generate its own is another
    issue.  From

    This is sort of a broken way to handle it, properly qpopper should
    be smarter about checking for duplicates in the file, or comparing
    a calculated UID against the stored one (although that defeats the
    purpose of storing it in the first place). Applying this patch may
    result in an increased load on busy mail servers as they will have
    to recalculate  the uidl  for each  message every  time the client
    accesses it. I'm sure that there are a lot of other (better)  ways
    to solve  it.    If you  can't patch  your popper  you can fix the
    offending mailbox  by simply  stripping X-UIDL:  headers from  the
    mailbox (something like

	grep -v ^X-UIDL:" mailbox >  mailbox.tmp; mv mailbox.tmp mailbox

    should work in most cases).  Uknown source posted following:

    *** ../qpopper2.53.orig/pop_dropcopy.c  Thu Jul  9 16:44:07 1998
    --- pop_dropcopy.c      Tue Jun 22 12:11:47 1999
    *** 412,417 ****
    --- 412,418 ----

	    if (inheader) {
    +           pop_log(p,POP_DEBUG, "HEADER: %s", buffer);
		if (*buffer == '\n') {
		    inheader = 0;
		    content_length = cont_len;
    *** 429,434 ****
    --- 430,440 ----
			*cp++ = '\n';
			*cp   = '\0';

    + #ifdef DEBUG
    +                   if(p->debug)
    +                       pop_log(p,POP_DEBUG, "Msg %d generated UID %s", mp->number, cp);
    + #endif
			mp->length += strlen("X-UIDL: ") + strlen(mp->uidl_str) + 1;
			p->drop_size += strlen("X-UIDL: ") + strlen(mp->uidl_str)+1;

    *** 457,462 ****
    --- 463,469 ----
			int len;

			/* Skip over header string */
    + /*
			cp = &buffer[7];
			  while (*cp && (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t')) cp++;
			if( (len = strlen(cp)) > MIN_UIDL_LENGTH && len < MAX_UIDL_LENGTH ) {
    *** 465,470 ****
    --- 472,478 ----
			    mp->length += nchar + 1;
			    p->drop_size += nchar + 1;
    + */
		    continue;  /* Do not include this value in the message size */
		} else if ((strncasecmp(buffer,"Status:",7) == 0)) {
    *** 691,699 ****
    --- 699,710 ----
			int len;
			char *cp;

    + /*
    + */

			/* Skip over header */
    + /*
			cp = &buffer[7];
			  while (*cp && (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t')) cp++;
			if( (len = strlen(cp)) > MIN_UIDL_LENGTH && len < MAX_UIDL_LENGTH ) {
    *** 702,707 ****
    --- 713,719 ----
			    mp->length += nchar + 1;
			    p->drop_size += nchar + 1;
    + */
		    continue;  /* Do not include this value in the message size */
		} else if (!strncasecmp(buffer,"Status:",7)) {