PCAnywhere 8 on WinNT Sp4 with Rollup Hotfix
Howard W Wortley found following. As no doubt most of you know
Symantec PCAnywhere is a popular and versatile package allowing
remote control of NT machines as well as configuration as a
gateway and machine to machine parallel link a la Laplink. For
remote control of NT Servers it has the advantage of running as a
service and allowing remote reboot.
Following was tested on version 8 with service packs A and B
applied. This has worked perfectly well with SP3 and SP4. If you
apply the Microsoft post SP4 roll-up hotfix, after restart some
machines may not respond to the remote Ctrl-Alt-Del command
although they did respond normally to the mouse and restart (!).
Symantec said this was a known problem. This is the reference dll:
Anyway the only way to fix is to have a technician on site to
log on, remove PCA and re-install it. After that PCA will work
normally again.