Routing and RAS Filtering problems
Win NT
Credit for following goes to Russ Cooper.
R&R (Routing and RAS Service) has no concept of an established
connection. So in order to allow for two way communication over
any protocol to any host, both Output = and Input rules must be
configured. So, for example, if you wanted to permit an Exchange
Server to communicate over the Internet for SMTP only, you would
need the following table of rules;
Filter Source IP Dest IP Protocol Source Port
Dest Port
Output any TCP 0
Input any TCP 25
Output any UDP 0
Input any UDP 25
Output any TCP 0
Input any TCP 53
The first rule allows outbound connections to Internet SMTP
servers The second rule allows data back from my outbound
sessions The third rule allows inbound connections from the
Internet The fourth rule allows data back to my inbound sessions
The fifth and sixth rules are for DNS.
The problem is in the reciprocal rules. The second rule above
allows a connection to any port on my system as long as it
originates from port 25 on any system on the Internet. How
difficult would it be to write a program to use a source port of
25 and a destination port of, say, 19, and send a request to the
chargen server to start spitting stuff out? Or have it access
TCP139 repeatedly doing login requests. Nothing would ever come
back to me (since there isn't a reciprocal rule to allow outbound
traffic back from the port I'm targeting), but I could easily do
a Denial of Service on the machine on ports they never expected
to see traffic on.
In the case of a machine without the RPC patch, but using R&R
filtering to prevent connections to TCP135, someone could drive
the machine to 100% CPU utilization.
Anyway, the point is that it is possible to connect to ports that
have been thought to be filtered.
Here is a table representing the documentation provided in R&R
regarding setting up PPTP Filtering. This is intended to duplicate
what NT does when you set the PPTP Filtering option without
having R&R installed;
Filter Source IP Dest IP Protocol Source Port
Dest Port
Output any any TCP 1723
Input any any TCP any
Output any any TCP any
Input any any TCP 1723
Output any any 47 any
Input any any 47 any
As you can see, their own documentation is telling you to open up
all destination ports on your machine to an inbound connection
from anywhere with the only limit that the inbound connection
must originate from port 1723. Since there is no packet analysis
taking place, that connection can carry any traffic you want to
feed it.
Once again, let me stress, it is understood that such a connection
would not be able to retrieve data from the NT server, so it
couldn't be used to interact with the box, but it could be used
to access ports other than the intended port and send that port
data, thereby possibly killing the process, setting it into some
abnormal termination, or simply flooding it with traffic.
Without the concept of "established" connections, the filtering
abilities of R&R are useless. They are misleading at best (since
nowhere in the documentation is this fact explained or even
mentioned) and will ultimately lead people to believe they have a
stronger form of security than they really do.
The RRAS hotix 1.0 is available at: