NT 3.5, 3.51, 4.0
This vulnerability was originally presented on:
and this text is partly their credit.
Rollback.exe wipes out all registry entries, and forces a
reinstall of NT.
Rollback.exe does not display warning messages before wiping
registry. This .EXE can be trojaned simply by renaming and
distributing the file.
Do not run this file on a production system! There is no way to
recover information erased by running this utility, so anything
stored in the registry will be lost. This includes user account
nformation, protocol bindings, application settings, user
preferences, etc.
Rollback.exe is on the Windows NT compact discs in the following
The only fix to this problem is to restore the entire system from
a current tape back up. Emergency Repair Disk does not restore
the system as it requires the Setup.log and specific registry
components to be present.
Protecting yourself against a trojan program -- such as
rollback.exe renamed to something else -- is difficult to do. In
fact, it all boils down to common sense and judgement. Don't
install software that you don't trust completely. Any intruder
could easily disquise a package to look as though it came from a
legitimate vendor, packing and all. The only thing you can do is
to install the software on a system the "doesn't matter" in the
event that the software trashes the entire system.