



    Michael Sparks found following.  He found a file called  test.log.
    This file contains the machine name, username, and password all in
    clear text for the machine that you are rexec'ing to.  Example:

    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\HUMMBIRD\RSHCTRL.OCX - Wed Dec 02 08:47:11 1998
    Socket Success: Family = 2, Type = 1, Protocol = 0, New Socket = 20
    IoctlSocket Success: Socket = 20, Cmd = 8004667E, Arg = 1
    Bind Success: Socket = 20, Addr =,631
    Connect Error: Socket = 20, Addr = ??.??.??.??,512, Error = 10035
    Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 1 of 1
     00                                               .

    Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 14 of 14
     74 68 69 73 69 73 6D 79 6C 6F 67 69 6E 00        thisismylogin.

    Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 17 of 17
     74 68 69 73 69 73 6D 79 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64  thisismypassword

     00                                               .

    Send Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Sent 3 of 3
     6C 73 00                                         ls.

    Recv Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Len = 19
     01 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 20 74 6F 6F 20 6C 6F  .password too lo

     6E 67 0A                                         ng.

    Recv Success: Socket = 20, Flags = 0, Len = 0
    Close Success: Socket = 20


    You disable this by echo

        "" > c:\test.log ; attrib +r c:\test.log

    This, however, does not occur  with 6.1.  Aparrently this  bug was
    due to the developers leaving  a DLL that was created  for testing
    in the actual distribution.   It is fixed in the newest  versions,
    if  you  have  a  maintenance  contract  you can get 6.1 by giving
    them a call.