UNIX based Samba attacks allows exporting your entire filesystem
Win WfW, 95
This text is compilation of papers found at ex Bill Stout's page
When a Windows for Workgroups or Windows 95 machine shares any
folder, bugs Microsoft's SMB implementation (over all network
protocols) allows access to the whole drive, with whatever
permissions the sharename was given. These resources are
advertised on a browse list that is made available to anyone on
the local network by default, and to anyone on the Internet who
knows the machine's IP address. Any user sharing a folder on a
TCP/IP network without a password is opening the whole disk up to
the entire Internet (all an intruder needs to do is locate the
machine) and those with a password should be aware that Windows
has no protection against brute force attacks. You should be
aware of the necessity to choose incredibly difficult passwords!
An alleged fix for Windows for Workgroups was quietly released in
early October, and Microsoft publicly announced a fix for Win95 on
October 20th. It has not been rigorously tested, but it appears
to fix the problem. The fix for Windows for Workgroups might not
be a complete fix, but rather a patch for one way to exploit the
problem. The patch only works on the US/English version of
Windows 95; at this writing, all non-English versions of Windows
95 are still vulnerable.
KB for Win '95 says following:
Use user-level access control instead of share-level access
control to share the folder. To use user-level access control to
share a folder, follow these steps:
1. Stop sharing the folder,
2. Use the right mouse button to click Network Neighborhood,
and then click Properties on the menu that appears,
3. On the Access Control tab, click the User-Level Access
Control option button,
4. In the "Obtain list of users and groups from" box, specify
the network domain or computer from which the master list
of users should be obtained.
5. Click OK.
6. Share the folder again.
NOTE: To use user-level access control, there must be a Microsoft
Windows NT or Novell NetWare server on the network that can
provide the master list of users.
KB for WfW says following:
To resolve this problem in Windows for Workgroups 3.11, follow
these steps:
1. Download the Wfwvsrvr.exe file from one of the Microsoft
Software Library (MSL) on the following services:
The Microsoft Network,
Microsoft Download Service (MSDL),
Internet (anonymous FTP, ftp
2. In File Manager, double-click the Wfwvsrvr.exe file to
expand the Vserver.386 file it contains,
3. Quit Windows for Workgroups,
4. Copy the new Vserver.386 file to the Windows\System
directory, overwriting the existing version of the file,
5. Restart your computer.