

	Win 9x, NT


    Paul L. Schmehl posted  following.  The first  is a DoS issue  and
    the  second  is  a  logon  security  issue.   Here's  test network

        NT 4.0 SP4 PDC
        NT 4.0 SP4 BDC
        RedHat Linux 5.1 with SAMBA 1.9.18p5
        Windows NT Workstation client
        Windows 98 client

    Here's the issues.

    When a SAMBA  server is placed  in a NT  domain and configured  as
    follows in the smb.conf file:

        password server=[hostname of PDC]
        domain controller=[hostname of PDC]
        domain logons=yes

    domain logons  will fail  if the  PDC is  rebooted while the SAMBA
    server is still running.   It wasn't yet determined *why*  this is
    happening, but  we can  tell you  *what* is  happening.   When the
    SAMBA  server  comes  on  line,  it  does  not  appear in the WINS
    database,  but  it  *does*  appear  in Server Manager, and reports
    itself as  a Windows  NT 4.2  Server.   After some  period of time
    (which appears to be random, but less than 24 hours) it begins  to
    report itself as a BDC (Windows NT 4.2 Backup.)  At that point, if
    the PDC  is taken  down for  any reason,  it cannot  be brought up
    again.  When rebooting the PDC  it will report there is already  a
    PDC in  the domain  and refuse  to complete  the boot process, yet
    Server Manager  reports there  is*no* PDC  in the  domain.   It is
    impossible to "promote" or "demote" the PDC or to bring it back on
    line  any  other  way.   At  this  point, domain logons will begin
    failing, and the  domain essentially becomes  unusable.  The  only
    solution is to kill the SAMBA server, at which point the PDC  will
    finish booting and  the domain will  return to normal.   Even this
    "has  been  fixed"  in  SAMBA  2.0  server, test team is presently
    experiencing this problem on their "real" domain with what appears
    to be a SAMBA  2.0 server (At least  it reports itself as  that in
    Server  Manager.)   It  definitely  disrupted  domain  logons  and
    prevented the PDC from rebooting.

    We all know  Windows 95/98 is  inherently insecure.   With a SAMBA
    server configured as above, it is possible to effect logons on the
    SAMBA  server.   During  troubleshooting,  test  team noticed that
    machines all over campus were being logged on by the SAMBA server,
    which would query a "real" DC for the auth and then pass the  auth
    to the client.  This opens an obvious avenue of attack.  Test team
    copied the files  from the NETLOGON  share on a  BDC to the  newly
    created NETLOGON  share on  the SAMBA  server.   They then wrote a
    program  spoofing  the  Windows  Logon  screen, popped up an error
    message  that  essentially  said  "your  logon  had failed, please
    reenter  your  username/password"  and  were  able to get users to
    enter  their  username/password  combo  into  their program, which
    wrote them to a text file  on the SAMBA server.  (NT  Workstations
    are unaffected by  the SAMBA logon  since they won't  authenticate
    without an exchange of tokens.)

    At the end, dpn't  blame SAMBA.  This  is obviously a flaw  in the
    fundamental  design   of  domain   security,  and   Microsoft  has
    acknowledged that.  The only  point of SAMBA being involved  is it
    makes the task much  easier because there's no  authentication and
    token exchange required!!!


    As for DoS, the SAMBA team claims to have avoided this problem  in
    2.0 according to Jeremy Allison.  This very problem is why my  new
    code in 2.0 explicitly forces the Samba admin to give the name  or
    IP address of the  PDC to authenticate to,  and to allow the  name
    resolution to be forced  to look only in  the local hosts file  on
    that machine.   Microsoft's Security Response  team has looked  at
    this issue and  determined that it  cannot be addressed  in NT 4.0
    due to the insecure nature of  WINS and NTLM.  They claim  it will
    be fixed in  Windows 2000 (In  Windows 2000, DC  are located using
    DNS lookups  with authenticated  DNS updates  of service  location
    information, so MS believe that homogeneous Windows 2000  networks
    will not be susceptible to this problem).

    The moral is to not enable  domain logons if you have an  existing
    DC.  You don't try to run to PDC's concurrently.  Of course.   The
    problem is SAMBA doesn't exchange tokens with the other DCs before
    becoming a member of the Domain Server Group.  This isn't  SAMBA's
    fault,  it's  Microsoft's,  for  not  having  a  secure  method to
    register DCs.  Also, domain  logons=yes is the default setting  in
    the smb.conf  file, so  this can  be done  completely without  the
    knowledge of the individual setting up SAMBA.  This is  apparently
    still true in SAMBA 2.0.

    The workaround for second issue, according to Microsoft is:

      1. Locating Valid Logon DCs:
         The workaround  here is  to use  LMHOSTS to  point clients to
         logon DCs.  There are two Knowledge Base articles, at


         provide info on how to do this.  This is not a complete  fix,
         because the attacker  can still spoof  the servers at  the IP
         layer  (respond  to  ARP  for  the  servers'  IP  addresses).
         However, it does mean that any spoofing that is done must  be
         done at the IP layer, which is harder.

      2. Locating Valid Logon Script Shares:
         With  Windows  NT  4.0  SP3  and  Win9x,  it  is  possible to
         configure clients to require  SMB packet signing.   Once this
         is done, only  members of some  trusted domain can  spoof the
         NETLOGON shares. It  also means that  clients will refuse  to
         access  shares  on  servers  that  don't support SMB signing,
         which is any  server earlier than  NT4/SP3: Win9x servers  or
         NT3.x servers or Samba servers, for example.   Alternatively,
         you could  configure LMHOSTS  entries on  clients for servers
         that provide logon script shares.   This is a less  effective
         workaround than SMB signing,  but would allow clients  to use
         downlevel SMB servers.