

    Win NT


    Victor Dais-Fernandes found following.  With scopy.ese we can copy
    all the tree to  a different path and  the owner is reset.   While
    testing  scopy  he  used  the  following command (current path was

        Scopy \\server\d$\home\user . /s

    (notice the  dot as  destination).   After copying  some files you
    will find  that the  ACL of  the c:\temp  directory was  change to
    user full control  only.  If  you execute a  second time the  same
    scopy  command  you'll  receive  a  message telling you that scopy
    could not change to c:\temp and if you want to change to  c:\winnt
    instead.  Accepting the OK had the result of resetting the ACL  of
    c:\winnt to  user full  control only  too!   So no  more access to
    the c:\winnt directory except for the user in question.


    So if you play  with scopy don't use  the .  (dot)  as destination
    give an explicit name like Scopy \\server\d$\home\user user /s.