Seattle Lab Sendmail


    Win NT with SLMail 3.0.2421 and 2.6 (Win95)


    Jeremy Kothe found  following.  If  the "mail from"  field exceeds
    256 bytes, it will pass through the receive process without  being
    trimmed...   When the  mail dispatcher  picks up  the mail file to
    process,  it  copies  it  into  a  stack buffer of only 256 bytes,
    overwriting the function return  address and normally halting  the
    SLMail server.  The DOS attack  is simple - simply send an  e-mail
    with "mail from" > 256 bytes.

    To exploit the  attack to remotely  execute code is  difficult but
    NOT impossible.   The main  difficulty is  that the  string  which
    overflows the stack (the "mail from" name) can contain only  valid
    email  address  characters.   But   don't  think  that  makes   it

    Stack overflows under UNIX are usually a simple affair - create  a
    shell and pipe it  to the attacker.   Under Windows 95 or  Windows
    NT, however, the task  is a little more  complex.  If you  are not
    familiar with  basic win32  stack overflow  methods, see  dildog's
    excellent article at:


    as well as his contributions at:

    What about tools?  Microsoft's under-rated (though limited) WinDbg
    to debug  and examine  the fault.   Borland's Turbo  Assembler and
    DataRescue's  IDA  (disassembler)  for  converting  code into data
    bytes (no, sorry, I refuse to remember that 0x50 is push eax... oh
    shit).  Borland  Delphi - Jeremy's  3gl of choice  for the Windows
    environment to create and send the e-mail. Any ip-capable platform
    could of course be used here.

    The idea behind  ANY overflow execution  exploit is to  leverage a
    bug or crash to execute data. To do anything, we must first  "snag
    the EIP".   To do this,  we must examine  the environment produced
    by the initial  crash, find somewhere  a pointer to  our data, and
    then somehow get it into the eip register...  So let's take a look
    at the environment created when SLMail overflows.

    Fire up SLMail.exe (it's a  service, so use "net start  slmail" or
    the  control  panel),  then  start  WinDbg  and Attach (F6) to the
    SLMail process. Press F5 to continue execution...  Now we create a
    test program  to send  a buffer  of 1600-odd  0x61 ("a")'s  as the
    email from address.  Running this program, our e-mail is  accepted
    and placed, as a file, into SLMail's "In" subdirectory. SLMail.exe
    then  picks  up  this  file   and  bang...   WinDbg  reports   our
    first-chance-exception at 0x42264f.

        0042263C                 mov     ecx, [esp+114h+arg_0]
        00422643                 mov     edx, [esp+114h+arg_4]
        0042264A                 mov     eax, [esp+114h+var_104]
        0042264E                 pop     edi
        0042264F ==> exception   mov     [ecx], esi
        00422651                 mov     [edx], eax
        00422653                 mov     eax, ebp
        00422655                 pop     esi
        00422656                 pop     ebp
        00422657                 pop     ebx
        00422658                 add     esp, 104h
        0042265E                 retn

    The memory address  which is being  written to here  happens to be
    0x61616161, which we see four lines above as being the procedure's
    first argument on the stack...  Looking at the registers, we  find
    that the  stack area  has been  well and  truly overwritten by our
    test  data,  and  that  several  registers  (esp,  esi,  edi)  are
    pointing to areas within this data  area.  And if we can  stop the
    exception at 0x42264f, and the next one at 0x422651, then the retn
    will return to 0x61616161, or whatever else we choose to feed  it.

    To stop the crash, we need  to find an address which is  writable,
    and place  two copies  of it  into our  buffer in  the appropriate
    place.   This  would  be  no  real  problem  except  for  our main
    limitation, the alphanumeric-only content of our buffer allows  us
    only 1/1024  of the  address space.   So we  search and  search...
    Nothing in the main program, so one-by-one we check the dlls used.
    Now, this is where  the issue of platform-dependency  comes along.
    If we use an address in a dll, we are binding the exploit to  that
    version of the dll.  Any other versions would crash.  Luckily, the
    proliferation of NT  4.0 sp3 platforms  provide a number  of large
    dlls  which  are  fairly  constant (ie: user32.dll, kernel32.dll).
    It's worth remembering that NT server and workstation binaries are
    identical,  so  even  by  targeting  only  this  one  platform, an
    attacker could probable achieve a  > 70% success rate on  a random

    So eventually, it was found an address in a dll data segment which
    was valid for us  to use, and plugged  it in.  Now  we're past the
    crash.  Returning  to the stack  via Microsoftware.   Normally, at
    this point,  you could  open up  the main  executable in IDA, turn
    on showing of op-codes, then do a string search for a " 54 "  (the
    op-code for push esp). Ideally, what you're looking for is:

        push esp

    Of course this would not usually be done, but by seaching for "54"
    you can almost always find something like:

        add esp, 54h

    Which is  really the  same thing!  Just ignore  the "add  esp" and

    Again, this  is made  enormously difficult  because of  the 1/1024
    limitation. And in this case, dig as Jeremy might, Jeremy couldn't
    find anything at a valid address... The closest thing Jeremy could
    use were a few bits like this:

        push esp (actually an add esp, 54h)
        pop eax/ebx
        pop edi

    Now all this does  is to get esp  into eax. Doesnt seem  like much
    until you realise thats it's relatively common to do a "call  eax"
    or "call  ebx".   So, we  go and  find ourselves  a "call eax/ebx"
    statement again  with a  valid (alphanumeric)  address. We  find a
    "call ebx" which we can use, so  we go back and find a variant  of
    the above code snippet which moves our esp into ebx.   Positioning
    these two addresses at the  correct position in the buffer  can be
    tricky, but eventually we end up returning to what was  originally
    our stack.  The first stage of the attack is over, and were it not
    for the alphanumeric limitations, the battle would be over.

    Now, executing text.  We  have control of the eip...  cheer, rest,
    think.  What can we put in our buffer to execute? Not bloody much.
    Every byte in our buffer MUST be valid alphanumeric.

    Now, we wouldn't have come this  far without a plan, though.   Our
    idea  is  to  use  what  small  instruction  set  we  DO  have  to
    dynamically CREATE a  more flexible piece  of code.   Checking the
    instructions available to us in the character set we have, we find
    that we have all  of the "push"es and  most of the "pop"s.   Along
    with, luckily, the "-" character, which turns into a "sub eax,..."
    So, the initial code would  PUSH the program onto the  stack, then
    execute it from  there.  The  first trick is  to push bytes  which
    cannot be in our buffer, Jeremy came up with the following:

        push xxxxxxxxh
        pop eax
        sub eax, xxxxxxxxh
        sub eax, xxxxxxxxh
        push eax

    Effectively, this means that for each DWORD of the target program,
    we need to calculate a series of valid DWORDs which subtract  from
    one-another to  produce the  target DWORD.   Sounds tough,  but it
    turns out that a bit of brute force solves this one easily. Jeremy
    wrote a fairly  simple program ()  which calculated these  numbers
    and produced code for us to cut and paste.

    After we've pushed  this program onto  the stack however,  we need
    then to jump or call to it. Unfortunately our limited  instruction
    set has  only short  jumps, which  limits our  range so  much we'd
    have to chain them. The initial location of the stack pointer, and
    therefore the pushed program,  is just above our  current location
    (where we  are pushing  the program  ).   So, instead  of chaining
    short upwards jumps which would be hell to position and  maintain,
    Jeremy inserted a series of "popad" instructions to move the stack
    pointer down, over  and past the  push code, allowing  only enough
    room for the target program.  The program is then pushed  onto the
    stack and  voila, no  jump or  call needed.   We have  created the
    program in  front of  our eip  and we  naturally execute  into it.
    Tricky, but by leaving a bit  of room at the end of  the "push"ing
    routing  filled  with  harmless  "inc  esi" instructions, it works
    fine.  So, by using about 6-16 bytes per DWORD, we can create  and
    run a program. At this rate,  we would rapidly run out of  room in
    our buffer to do anything. So, we add another trick.  The  program
    we produce is a small decompression routine. Using a simple nibble
    to byte compression routine to encrypt our main program and  place
    it elsewhere  in the  buffer. This  allows a  2 DWORD  to 1  DWORD
    compression ratio, and a larger main program.

    The decompression routine is simple enough:

    ; assume edx points to source area

    mov esi, esp
    add esi, 122 ; source from esp...
    ; get length of code...

    xor ecx, ecx
    mov cx, word ptr [esi]
    add esi, 2
    sub cx, 6161h
    mov bx, cx
    shr cx, 4
    or cl, bl

    ; decode code...
        mov eax, [esi]
        add esi, 4
        sub eax, 61616161h
        mov ebx, eax
        shr eax, 4
        or al, bl
        mov ebx, eax
        shr eax, 4
        mov al, bl
        ror eax, 0ch
        shr al, 4
        rol eax, 0ch
        push ax

        loop decode

    call esp

    Game over, We can run ANY code we want at this point.


    The  fix  was  incorporated  in  beta  versions  of SLmail 3.1 and
    SLmail 2.7.  Customers who would like to receive the beta versions
    should contact   Please put the  product
    serial number  in the  subject line.   Seattle Lab  will post  the
    release versions of  these programs to  our download site  as soon
    as testing is completed.