



    Luke Kenneth Casson  Leighton found following  (a new concept  had
    to be invented for  this one: "the BSOD"  - a problem that  causes
    an NT5 server's screen to go black).

    Here is  a harmless  SMB request,  prepared earlier  from a netmon

        SMB       C write & X, FID = 0x1801, Write 0x73 at 0x00000000
          SMB: C write & X, FID = 0x1801, Write 0x73 at 0x00000000
              SMB: SMB Status = Error Success
                  SMB: Error class = No Error
                  SMB: Error code = No Error
              SMB: Header: PID = 0xCAFE TID = 0x2801 MID = 0x0B00 UID = 0x4801
              SMB: Command = C write & X
                  SMB: Word count = 12
                  SMB: Word parameters
                  SMB: Next offset = 0x0000
                  SMB: File ID (FID) = 6145 (0x1801)
                  SMB: File name = \samr
                  SMB: File offset = 0 (0x0)
                  SMB: Open timeout = -1
                  SMB: Write mode = 8 (0x8)
                      SMB: ...............0 = Allow write caching
                      SMB: ..............0. = Do not return bytes remaining
                      SMB: .............0.. = Do not use raw named pipe protocol
                      SMB: ............1... = Start of message mode named pipe message
                  SMB: Bytes left = 115
                  SMB: Data length = 115 (0x73)
                  SMB: Data offset = 59 (0x3B)
                  SMB: Byte count = 115
                  SMB: Byte parameters
              SMB: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 115 (0x0073)
        00000:  00 10 4B 97 32 2E 00 A0 24 78 7B 3A 08 00 45 86   ..K.2...$x{:..E.
        00010:  00 DA 69 00 40 00 80 06 79 99 0A 01 01 7F 0A 01   ..i.@...y.... ..
        00020:  01 7E 04 02 00 8B 00 00 DF 21 24 7A E0 AD 50 18   .~.......!$z..P.
        00030:  1F 26 E3 BB 00 00 00 00 00 AE FF 53 4D 42 2F 00   .&.........SMB/.
        00040:  00 00 00 18 03 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
        00050:  00 00 01 28 FE CA 01 48 00 0B 0C FF 00 00 00 01   ...(...H........
        00060:  18 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 08 00 73 00 00 00 73   ...........s...s
        00070:  00 3B 00 73 00 05 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 73 00 57   .;.s.........s.W
        00080:  00 01 00 00 00 30 16 30 16 0A 06 00 00 18 54 15   .....0.0......T.
        00090:  00 4E 54 4C 4D 53 53 50 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 01   .NTLMSSP........
        000A0:  00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 00 00 00 00 00 00   .V.......W......
        000B0:  00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 16 00 16   .@.......@......
        000C0:  00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 00 00 00 B5 82 01   .@.......W......
        000D0:  00 42 00 52 00 4F 00 4F 00 4B 00 46 00 49 00 45   .B.R.O.O.K.F.I.E
        000E0:  00 4C 00 44 00 53 00 00                           .L.D.S..

    Note the harmless Write Mode, which  is 0x8 - start of named  pipe
    - at offset 0x69.  Note also that the SMB data length of 0x73,  at
    offset 0x6b and 0x6f, match the byte count at 0x73.

    This is a Normal DCE/RPC request (offset 0x75 to end) encapsulated
    inside an  SMB request.   as an  aside for  those of  you who care
    about these things, it is an anonymous, encrypted DCE/RPC  request
    (a pointless but entertaining exercise in spinning CPU cycles).

    There is also a harmless Write Mode, which is 0xC - start of named
    pipe and raw message pipe.

    OK.  The 0xC mode reserves the first two bytes of the DCE/RPC data
    stream to  indicate the  length of  the DCE/RPC  packet.  Note, in
    passing, the usefulness of telling a server five times how long  a
    piece of data is.

    Note also, that there  is no documentation absolutely  anywhere in
    the known world,  including in my  book, on the  existence of this
    length, which was  why, when Luke  was forced, after  two years of
    getting  away  with  not  implementing DCE/RPC requests (responses
    have  been  known  about  for  18  months)  that span multiple SMB
    packets, he found this DoS.

    In order so as not to have to bother coding up some stupid  length
    field that may, or may not, be related to some other stupid length
    field in a different protocol  layer, Luke allocated an SMB  write
    buffer of  2048 bytes,  and then  passed that  down to the DCE/RPC
    layer for it to play with and stuff its data into.

    The  result  over-the-wire?   In  the  SMB  header,  the  data was
    indicated as  being 2048  bytes, and  as a  0xC write  mode.   The
    first two bytes in the SMB data section were 0x48 - the length  of
    the DCE/RPC PDU, followed immediately by the DCE/RPC PDU.

    The consequences?  A Black Screen  Of Death.  NT4 is, at  least, a
    little  friendlier  (for  once).   It  brings  up  the   familiar,
    comforting blue screen that can be found on screen-saver  programs
    and NT boxes located in your office.


    Nothing yet.