Win NT 4.0
There is SNMP memory leak. Your workstation will eventually crash
with error messages indicating exhaustion of virtual memory. The
SNMP service will consume about 15MB of RAM and 19MB of VM per day
until it finally crashes the system. It usually uses about 70
handles and 4 threads. The amount of NonPagedPool memory
consumption is about 67K and the amount of PagedPool consumption
is about 18K. This occurs on workstation and server class
machines. This affects NT 4.0 SP3 + all hotfixes (land last HF).
Some SNMP subagents may leak memory when they receive non-null ASN
types in GET or GETNEXT requests. This can be observed by
monitoring SNMP/Private Bytes in Performance Monitor.
Check MS Q Article Q160035 for more info.