Serice Pack 6


    WinNT with SP6


    Brendan Howes found following.  While recently evaluating  Windows
    NT  4.0  Service  Pack  6A   (Domestic  Encryption)  to  fix   the
    "non-administrators can't  connect to  Lotus Notes"  (and use AT&T
    VNC  software)  he  discovered  that  Service  Pack  6A  breaks IP
    forwarding from the RAS  WAN interface to the  Ethernet interface.
    He attempted to  use TinySoftware's Winroute  4.0 and 3.04a,  both
    would  complete  a  dial  to  the  ISP  authenticate properly then
    either  immediately  hang  up  or  all  IP  operations  would   be
    interrupted.    Sygate  did   work  on   Service  Pack   6A.    An
    administrator at the  ISP indicated that  the TCP/IP protocol  was
    never initiated by his OS.

    Hardware/Software Problem Found On:

        Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (6 and 6A)
        TinySoftware WinRoute Pro 4.0, 4.1 and 3.04a
        3COM EL3C905B-TX With  Driver el90xnd4.sys 3.50.40 / el90xbc4.sys
        x86 SMP (2 x Pentium II 450) / 256MB MEM
        SuperMicro P6DGU (Dual Slot 1 GX Based, AMI BIOS, MPS 1.4)


    Upon re-installing Service Pack 6, the problem was corrected.