service pack 6


    WinNT with SP6


    Eric Schultze  found following.   He installed  SP6 on  an NT4 SP5
    server that he has been using as a PPTP client for the past couple
    of years.   After installing  SP6, he  found that  the setting for
    saving passwords for at least PPTP dial-up has been enabled  which
    is  a  feature  he  never,  never  use.   While  this  is bad, the
    disturbing part revealed by installing SP6 is that even though  he
    never used  the "Save  password" feature  with PPTP,  his password
    was in fact being cached.

    This was concluded because the first four PPTP dial-up connections
    he  tried  (i.e.  four  different  PPTP  servers)  all immediately
    connected and authenticated without prompting me for  credentials.
    Two  others  failed  to  connect  immediately  because  the cached
    password did not match the current password for my domain account.


    Nothing yet.