srvany.exe and wsremote.exe




    Jon Passki  found following.   After playing  around with  2  test
    boxes setup as NT Servers 4.0 SP 5, wsremote.exe (NT Resource  Kit
    Suppliment,)  and  srvany.exe  (NT  Resource  Kit), Jon noticed an
    interesting phenom;  the wsremote.exe  drove the  processor up  to
    100% utilization.   Setup srvany.exe  via instsrv.exe  pretty much
    how srvany.exe's documentation stated.

        C:\>D:\ntreskit\INSTSRV.exe WSRemote d:\ntreskit\srvany.exe

    Opened up the Control Panel -> Services to set the service to  use
    a  scheduling  account  with  admin  rights  and  set  it to start
    automatically.  Created the key:


    Created the values under that key: Application, TYPE REG_SZ,  with
    the data  D:\Program Files\rksupport\Wsremote.exe;  AppParameters,
    TYPE REG_SZ, with the data /S "cmd.exe" 64321 /U remote /P test.

    After the regkeys  added, start the  service on TEST1,  connect to
    the server via another testbox server, TEST2:

        D:\>D:\Program Files\rksupport\wsremote.exe /c TEST1 64321 /u remote /p test

    No problems, everything seems okay.  After exiting the session  by
    typing '@k' at the prompt, take a look at the TEST1... it will  go
    to  100%  processor  utilization,  with  wsremote.exe  being   the
    culprit.   Srvany's  documentation  mentioned  that  Win32 Console
    Apps may  suffer from  being terminated  after disconnection,  but
    never mentioned anything like this.


    Nothing yet.