screen saver (Matrix)




    Running on Windows  95 OSR2, if  you set the  "Password protected"
    screensaver option, then when the screen saver is running, if  you
    move  the  mouse  or  press  a  key  to wake the screensaver up, a
    password prompt  appears as  it should,  but you  can then  simply
    press the  "Escape" keyboard  key and  the screensaver  terminates
    with no password required - aaaaggghh !

    Given the popularity  of the Matrix  film among computer  industry
    people, one can imagine  many people are running  the screensaver,
    and therefore are subjecting  themselves to a significant  risk of
    unauthorised access  to their  PCs.   Under NT  and Windows 9x, if
    you  "CTRL-ALT-DEL"  you  can  kill  the  process, even when it is
    password protected!


    Nick  Boyce  found  following.   This  is  *not*  a major problem,
    especially  for  those  folks  who  stick  to guidelines and never
    install any screensavers that  weren't supplied by Microsoft  with
    Windows.  In fact it hardly seems worth bothering with it,  except
    that so many admins seem to be quite taken with "Matrix theory"...