WinNT 4.0 and pre-RC3 W2K machines with SYSKEY enabled


    Following is based on BindView Security Advisory.  SYSKEY does not
    fully  protect  the  SAM  from  off-line  attacks.   Specifically,
    dictionary and brute-force  password cracking are  still possible,
    even when SYSKEY is enabled and the attacker is not in  possession
    of the SystemKey.

    SYSKEY is an optional Windows  NT feature that was added  in NT4.0
    SP3.   It adds  further encryption  to the  password hashes in the
    SAM database.   This encryption is  meant to protect  the SAM from
    'off-line' attacks,  where an  attacker has  gotten a  copy of the
    SAM (e.g., by stealing a  backup tape, repair disk, or  the entire
    machine),  but  does  not  have  the  System  Key.  Without SYSKEY
    enabled, such an  attacker would be  able to directly  recover all
    of the password  hashes, and could  then use them  to authenticate
    on  the  network,  or  brute  force  them  to obtain the plaintext
    passwords.  Tools are currently  available to do this.   SYSKEY is
    supposed to defend against  these attacks, but we  have discovered
    that, due to implementation flaws, it falls well short.

    How does SYSKEY change what is  stored in the SAM?  Let's  look at
    an example.  Here's a (partial) hex dump of the registry value

        HKLM/SAM/SAM/Domains/Account/Users/000001F4/V:  (before SYSKEY enabled)

        000001f0: 6400 6f00 6d00 6100 6900 6e00 0102 0000  d.o.m.a.i.n.....
        00000200: 0700 0000 0002 0000 0700 0000 ce28 297d  .............()}
        00000210: ede4 0fab 3a0f 6436 aff3 881f 0edb a361  ....:.d6.......a
        00000220: 4fb6 c22a e367 e3ea bad8 807c 0edb a361  O..*.g.....|...a
        00000230: 4fb6 c22a e367 e3ea bad8 807c 653c e4ff  O..*.g.....|e<..
        00000240: 45a2 1ee6 b2db 5d9f 09fe f2fd 8fb8 9576  E.....]........v
        00000250: 81a5 70e6 c83d 0be2 a7f1 4fcb ce28 297d  ..p..=....O..()}
        00000260: ede4 0fab 3a0f 6436 aff3 881f 339e 652f  ....:.d6....3.e/
        00000270: be4f 2b9d 3a0f 6436 aff3 881f f42c 7909  .O+.:.d6.....,y.
        00000280: 5604 6ea4 3a0f 6436 aff3 881f            V.n.:.d6....

    This is part of the SAM  entry for the Administrator account on  a
    test machine.   The password  hashes start  at offset  0x20c.  The
    first 16 bytes are the LMHash,  the next 16 bytes are the  NTHash,
    and the bytes  after that are  the hashes of  the password history
    (including the current password),  for both the NTHash  and LMHash
    values.   Actually,  these  are  the  obfuscated  password hashes,
    although that's unimportant  at this point.   The data is  roughly
    the real password hashes DES encrypted with the user's RID as  the
    key.  Code to undo the obfuscation can be found in pwdump.  So, we

        obfusc. LMHash: ce28297dede40fab3a0f6436aff3881f
        obfusc. NTHash: 0edba3614fb6c22ae367e3eabad8807c

    After enabling SYSKEY, this changes to

        HKLM/SAM/SAM/Domains/Account/Users/000001F4/V:  (after SYSKEY enabled)

        000001f0: 6400 6f00 6d00 6100 6900 6e00 0102 0000  d.o.m.a.i.n.....
        00000200: 0700 0000 0002 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000  ................
        00000210: 3e0e 0261 d2f5 f009 757c 7e7e 626a 78c1  >..a....u|~~bjx.
        00000220: 0100 0000 fefd 887d 70a7 3d88 ac14 f9a2  .......}p.=.....
        00000230: 7741 70a2 0100 0000 fefd 887d 70a7 3d88  wAp........}p.=.
        00000240: ac14 f9a2 7741 70a2 96c6 794f 5959 0939  ....wAp...yOYY.9
        00000250: c5a1 08d7 71e5 f60f 25e5 bc12 2a9f 1c4a  ....q...%...*..J
        00000260: 1b8c c152 6d04 6962 0100 0000 3e0e 0261  ...Rm.ib....>..a
        00000270: d2f5 f009 757c 7e7e 626a 78c1 c064 f89f  ....u|~~bjx..d..
        00000280: a2b4 3c42 4d75 317e d7e8 8ced 5e71 506d  ..<BMu1~....^qPm
        00000290: fd3e 0208 e9be ae86 6506 aeb6            .>......e...

    Now, aside  from the  insertion of  '0100 0000'  in front  of each
    entry, we have the encrypted versions of the above.

        enc. obfusc. LMHash: 3e0e0261d2f5f009757c7e7e626a78c1
        enc. obfusc. NTHash: fefd887d70a73d88ac14f9a2774170a2

    So, assuming  all we  have is  the encrypted,  obfuscated password
    hashes, what can we do?  The more binary inclined may already  see
    the punch line coming.  It turns out that the hashes are encrypted
    with the same rc4 keystream, and consequently, that simply  xoring
    them together will remove the  encryption, and leave you with  the
    xor of the obfuscated LM and NT hashes:

        enc. obfusc. LMHash:     3e0e0261d2f5f009757c7e7e626a78c1
        enc. obfusc. NTHash: xor fefd887d70a73d88ac14f9a2774170a2


             obfusc. LMHash:     ce28297dede40fab3a0f6436aff3881f
             obfusc. NTHash: xor 0edba3614fb6c22ae367e3eabad8807c

    Some work with a disassembler reveals the complete details of  the
    encryption.  For each user, the system uses a different key, which
    is computed by taking the MD5 sum of the global 128-bit encryption
    key (aka the password encryption key) concatenated with the user's
    4-byte RID.   However, this  key is  then used  to rc4-encrypt the
    user's obfusc.  LMHash, NTHash,  and two  password histories,  all
    independently, using the same keystream.

    Due  to  this  flawed  implementation,  it  is possible to conduct
    dictionary  and  brute  force  attacks  against a SYSKEY protected
    SAM.  An initial attack would be as follows:

          For each candidate password {
              Compute LMHash(password) and NTHash(passwd)
              Obfuscate the hashes as they are stored in the registry
              Xor the two results
              Compare with the xor of the SYSKEY encrypted versions of same
              if they match, we've found the password.

    Note that since the above calculation involves the user's RID, the
    attack must be done for one user at a time.  However, this attack
    can be improved upon by taking a closer look at the details.

    Starting from the beginning, we know  this.  NTHash is MD4 of  the
    user's  unicode  password.   LMHash  is  the  DES  encryption   of
    "KGS!@#$%", using  the password  as the  key.   Since DES keys are
    only 56 bits, the password is broken into two 7 byte halves,  then
    each half  is used  as a  key.   This leaves  us with  two 128 bit
    hashes, NTHash,  and LMHash.   When stored  in the  registry,  the
    hashes  are  further  obfuscated  by  DES encrypting them, using a
    function of the user's RID as a key.  Again, since the hashes  are
    128 bits, there are two DES encryptions done.  The two halves  are
    actually  encrypted  using  different  DES  keys, but they're both
    functions of the RID.  For details on this encryption, see  Jeremy
    Allison's pwdump.  So, what ends up in the registry is:

        des(k1,1st half lmhash), des(k2, 2nd half lmhash)


        des(k1,1st half nthash), des(k2, 2nd half nthash)

    where k1 and k2 are known functions of the user's RID.

    Now, with  syskey, there's  a layer  of rc4  encryption on  top of
    that.  Fortunately (for attackers), it reuses the keystream.   So,
    stored in the registry is:

        rc4 (k3, (des(k1,1st half lmhash), des(k2, 2nd half lmhash)))


        rc4 (k3, (des(k1,1st half nthash), des(k2, 2nd half nthash)))

    where k3  is unknown,  and different  for every  user.  Precisely,
    it's MD5 (<password encryption  key> concatenated with the  user's

    Now, to attack, we xor out the rc4 encryption, giving:

        des(k1,1st half lmhash), des(k2, 2nd half lmhash)

    xored with

        des(k1,1st half nthash), des(k2, 2nd half nthash)

    or rewriting,

        des(k1,1st half lmhash) ^ des(k1,1st half nthash)


        des(k2,2nd half lmhash) ^ des(k2,2nd half nthash)

    Again, we know k1 and k2.

    Now, if  we assume  for the  moment that  the passwords  are <=  7
    characters, then we can proceed as follows:

    - since the LMHash is computed in halves, the second half will  be
      fixed and known to us.  Therefore, we can go through every  user
      in the SAM and compute
    - des(k2,2nd half lmhash), take that, xor it with
    - des(k2,2nd half lmhash) ^ des(k2,2nd half nthash) to get
    - des(k2,2nd half nthash), then take that, and decrypt it with  k2
      to  get  2nd  half  nthash.   We  can  then  look that up in our

    If we find a  match, we can then  verify that we have  the correct
    password as in  the first attack  above.  Since  we've removed the
    user's  RID  through  the  above  operations,  we  can conduct our
    attack against  all users  at once,  for passwords  which are <= 7
    characters.   Furthermore, we  can precompute  the dictionary;  it
    will be good against all users on all machines.

    What about passwords that are longer than 7 characters?  Taking  8
    character  passwords  as  an  example,  we  can still precompute a
    dictionary of NTHashes of 8 char passwords, and keep it sorted  by
    the eighth character.  Or perhaps  think of it as 256 (or  less if
    you're narrowing  the search  space) separate  dictionaries.   One
    for each 8th char.  Now you can go through all users and try  each
    of the  256 dictionaries,  again computing  the known  2nd half of
    lmhash and going from there.   So we've reduced the strength of  8
    char passwords to the strength of 1 char passwords modulo lots  of
    space, and  perhaps a  large constant.   This can  be extended  to
    longer passwords as well.  Note that it's also possible to  attack
    the password histories, using the same technique.

    p.s.  For  the  curious,  the  password  in  the above example  is
          'vmware3'; the history is 'vmware3', 'vmware2', and 'vmware'


    Follow  Microsoft's  instructions  for  installing  the  hotfix if
    you've enabled SYSKEY.   Keep your backup  tapes and repair  disks
    safe, even if you've enabled SYSKEY.  Microsoft's hotfix page:


    Direct hotfix download links:
