

    Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional


    John Hayday found following (ISS SAVANT Advisory 00/26).   Default
    configuration  of  SYSKEY  permits  compromise  of Encrypting File
    System.   The  Encrypting  File  System  (EFS)  permits  files and
    folders  on  a  user's  system  to be secured against unauthorized
    access,  by  providing  on-disk  data  encryption using public key
    cryptography.  This is  particularly useful for the  protection of
    sensitive data on a laptop should it be stolen.  Internet Security
    Systems has  discovered that,  due to  the way  access to a user's
    private key is controlled, a  vulnerability exists if EFS is  used
    with the default settings for SYSKEY.  This vulnerability  permits
    the recovery of any data on a hard disk encrypted by a user having
    a local account.

    EFS permits files  and folders on  a system to  be secured against
    unauthorized access,  by providing  on-disk data  encryption using
    public key cryptography.   This level of  protection is  necessary
    to  prevent  access  to  sensitive  data  when Windows 2000 cannot
    provide  security  using  the  standard  NTFS Access Control Lists
    (ACLs).   This would  be the  case if  a hard  disk was stolen and
    booted  onto  a  floppy  disk  containing an alternative operating
    system.   Tools  that  allow  access  to  files  on NTFS formatted
    volumes irrespective of any NTFS permissions are freely  available
    for both MS-DOS and UNIX operating systems.

    The  protection  is  accomplished  using public-key encryption and
    takes advantage  of the  CryptoAPI architecture  in Windows  2000.
    When enabled, files are encrypted with a fast symmetric encryption
    algorithm using  a randomly  generated file  encryption key (FEK).
    The  initial  release  of  EFS  uses  the Extended Data Encryption
    Standard  (DESX)  as  the  encryption  algorithm.   The   randomly
    generated File Encryption  Key is then  itself encrypted with  one
    or  more  public  keys,  including  those  of  the  user and a key
    recovery agent.  Encrypting data raises the issue of data recovery
    should an employee who has encrypted some sensitive data leave, or
    their encryption keys be lost.   To protect against the  inability
    to access company data, a data recovery agent is mandated for  use
    of EFS under Windows 2000.  Disabling the data recovery agent will
    disable EFS.  Because the  FEK is totally independent of  a user's
    public/private key pair, a  recovery agent may decrypt  the files'
    contents, without compromising the user's private key.

    The  default  data  recovery  agent  for  a  system  is  the local
    administrator.   It  has   been  known  for   some  time  that   a
    vulnerability exists  if the  key recovery  agents private  key is
    left on  a system  susceptible to  theft.   By booting  the system
    using  an  alternate  operating  system  the  SAM  database can be
    deleted.   When the  system reboots  a new  database is created in
    which  the  administrator  account  has  a  blank  password.   The
    attacker  can  now  login  as  the  administrator and thus use the
    local administrator's recovery key to decrypt all encrypted  data.
    A similar scenario  has also been  discussed for decrypting  files
    when  the  recovery  agent  has  been  delegated  to another user.
    These  problems  can  be  circumvented  by  removing  the recovery
    agent's  key  from  the  system  and  placing it on a floppy disk,
    which is then kept in a secure location.

    This situation was discussed in the following articles:


    Internet  Security  Systems  has  established  that,  even  if the
    recovery  agents  private  key  is  removed  from  the  system, as
    recommended, all data  encrypted by a  local user can  be accessed
    if the default SYSKEY security setting has been used. There is  no
    evidence  to  suggest  that  this  issue effects domain-based user

    For a  user to  decrypt an  encrypted file  requires access to the
    user's  private  key  as  shown  above.   Access  to  the  key  is
    controlled  by  the  user's  ability  to successfully log onto the
    system.  Windows password hashes  (LAN Manager or NTLM) stored  in
    the SAM are known to be susceptible to off-line attack.  To defend
    against this  possibility Windows  2000 employs  a program  called
    SYSKEY to provide  additional encryption of  the SAM.   SYSKEY has
    three modes of operation:

        - Store  Startup  Key  Locally  -  Windows  2000  will  use  a
          pseudorandom  number  generator  to  pick  a  random 128-bit
          system key.  This system key will be stored, obfuscated,  in
          HKLM\SYSTEM.  In this mode, no user interaction is  required
          to reboot the machine.

        - Store Startup Key on  Floppy Disk - Windows 2000  will store
          the encrypted system key on  a floppy.  The key  itself will
          be stored in a file  named StartKey.key.  In this  mode, the
          floppy will be required to boot the system.

        - Use  a Passphrase  to Unlock  the System  Key - Windows 2000
          will feed the passphrase  you enter to a  special algorithm,
          which will  generate a  128-bit key  from it.   A maximum of
          128 characters may be entered for a passphrase. SYSKEY  does
          not enforce any minimum password  length.  In this mode  the
          passphrase will be required during system reboot.

    Of these, the first mode, where the key is held on the system,  is
    the  default  on  Windows  2000.   This  was  thought  to  provide
    sufficient protection for the SAM, whilst offering ease of use.

    A new version of a freely available utility (ntpasswd - by  Petter
    Nordahl-Hagen) is capable of putting new password hashes  directly
    into the SAM, thus changing the user's password, even with  SYSKEY
    enabled.  SYSKEY is automatically applied to these new hashes when
    the system is rebooted.

    After  using  the  utility  it  is  possible  to login to any user
    account, including the administrator's, using the known  password.
    Successful authentication then allows access to the user's private
    key and  hence any  file that  the user  has encrypted.   The data
    recovery agent's private key is not required.

    Details on the ntpasswd program can be found at:


    Subscribers who wish  to use EFS  are strongly recommended  to use
    one of the other two  modes of SYSKEY operation, where  the system
    will not reboot without intervention.   Whilst this does not  stop
    'ntpasswd' from overwriting the existing password hash with a  new
    value,  it  prevents  the  system  from  being  rebooted  and thus
    prevents anyone logging on with the new password, hence protecting
    the private key. This issue does not affect domain-based accounts.