Terminal Server Licensing


    Windows 2000


    David  Ashwood  found  following.   Windows  2000  Terminal Server
    License  manager  issues  certificate  based  licenses to clients.
    These licenses are issued to  clients when the client connects  to
    the server.  The issuing of a licence is not under the control  of
    the  administrator.   Once  a  certificate  has  been  issued to a
    computer it cannot be removed.

    This means that a program can be created to connect to a  terminal
    server.   This program  randomises the  computer name  and uses up
    all the licenses on the server.

    When licenses run out client are given a 90 day temporary license.


    The  only  way  to  fix  this  would  be to deactivate the license
    server, reactivate & reinstall the licenses.