Georgi Guninski found following. There is a vulnerability in
Wordpad which allows executing arbitrary programs without warning
the user after activating an embedded or linked object. This may
be also exploited in IE for Win9x.
Wordpad executes programs embeded in .doc or .rtf documents
without any warning if the object is activated by doubleclick.
This may be exploited in IE for Win9x using the view-source:
protocol. The view-source: protocol starts Notepad, but if the
file is large, then the user is asked to use Wordpad. So creating
a large .rtf document and creating a HTML view-source: link to it
in a HTML page or HTML based email message will prompt the user
to use Wordpad and a program may be executed if the user
doubleclicks on an object in the opened document.
Demonstration which starts AUTOEXEC.BAT:
The nice thing about that is you can have '.txt'extension in the
file (i.e. wordpad1.txt). WordPad autodetects it as a RTF
document anyway. It's Win9x's notepad that sees the file is
>64KB and prompts to launch WordPad. The NT/Win2K versions of
Notepad don't have the filesize limitation (so will simply open
the file).
Do not activate objects in Wordpad documents.