Zak (with Office97)




    Mikko  Verlinna  found  following.   It  was  tested  with  ZAK in
    "Appstation"  mode.   Now  the  only  ZAK  "security hole?" Office
    "bug?" that  was discovered  is the  following.   When you  are in
    some Office application  ex.  Word  click on the  Open dialog box,
    then right click on the Open dialog box's background and you get a
    dialog with Explore.

    Choose this "explore", and you have a perfectly working  Explorer.
    Even  the  harddrive  is  hidden  with  a  Policy  entry,  the ZAK
    installation has  run the  ACLS.CMD and  HIDE.CMD. (Note: ACLS.CMD
    is modified like  described in Q182367)  But in your  newly opened
    Explorer you can take  the Go to dialog  and write C: then  OK and
    now you have chosen to show all  files.  Ok, what can you do  when
    everything is locked?  Go to C:\TEMP or create your own directory,
    copy your favorite program or game here and change the  executable
    file name to ex.  Winword.exe. This has to  be done or the  policy
    Run only allowed apps will stop you....


    Microsoft  was  contacted  and  they  can't  help.  If you want to
    close this hole you have to write an app that sniffs system  calls
    from  the  Office  programs  and  if  there  is  a call after this
    imbedded Explorer then the app should stop this.

    However, the way to stop the  explorer from being an option is  to
    remove it from under the file association for folders.  To do this
    follow these directions:

        Go to My Computer
        Select View and Options
        Click on the File Types tab
        Find the Folder association and double click to open it
        Highlight explore and click Remove

    This will remove the explorer  option from all right mouse  button
    calls.  The  next area to  look at is  to give the  everyone group
    Execute  rights  only  to  explorer.exe  command.  This will allow
    explorer to run for the desktop but it will not be available to be
    added by embedding it into a Word or Excel document.  Another good
    are  to  look  at  is  after  you  install  SP4 there are some new
    policies that can keep the user from showing all files. Check  out
    TechNet for reference to the update.