24Link Webserver
24Link 1.06 Webserver
'phriction' found following. A vulnerability was found in 24Link
1.06 Web Server for Windows 95/98/2000/NT machines. The
vulnerability allows you to view any password protected files on
the Web Server, provided that the Authorization - Check User Name
and Password- On all Requests option wasn't chosen, which asks
for user name/password for every request sent to the server. If
specific files are password protected, for example by default the
access.txt log file is, we can bypass the password prompt by
putting one of these before the filename in the request to the
or any of these and the ending slash being two or more /'s up to
around 200.. for example
For example 24Link has a default file password protected, the log
file so on a 24Link Server we would send a request
"GET /+/access.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n" or type in favorite browser it will return the
access.txt. And works on any other specifically password
protected file or directory, also by default 24Link 1.06 allows
directory listing which can lead to many a security compromise.
Vendor was contacted, but there is no response. If you have to
have sensitive information make sure you uncheck allow directory
listings under the options menu and choose the Authorization -
Check User Name and Password- On all Requests option or in
2000/NT setting up rights so those files are not world-readable.