Alcatel Speed Touch DSL modems


    Alcatel Speed Touch DSL modems


    Researchers associated with the San Diego Supercomputer Center  at
    the University of California,  San Diego have identified  multiple
    implementation  flaws  in  the  Alcatel  Speed  Touch ADSL "modem"
    (actually an ADSL-Ethernet router/bridge).  These flaws can  allow
    an  intruder  to  take  complete  control of the device, including
    changing its configuration, uploading new firmware, and disrupting
    the communications between the telephone central office  providing
    ADSL service and the device.

    These flaws allow the following malicious actions:
    * changing the device's configuration such that the device can  no
      longer be accessed;
    * disabling  the  device,   either  temporarily  or    permanently
      (requiring return of the device to the manufacturer); and
    * installation  of malicious  code, such  as a  network sniffer to
      gather local LAN traffic (that is not being bridged) and  making
      the box more easily/covertly remotely accessible.

    One  of  the  more  interesting  discoveries  was  a cryptographic
    challenge-response back door that completely bypasses any password
    that a user may have set on the device.

    All  testing  to  date  has  been  done  in  LLC/SNAP bridge mode.
    Routing mode was not  tested.  There may  be other flaws that  are
    easier to exploit in that mode.

    This advisory  addresses the  Speed Touch  family of  devices, and
    similar  devices  apparently  based  on  related  code such as the
    older Alcatel  1000 ADSL  Network Termination  device (1000 ADSL).
    All testing was performed on  the "Speed Touch Home", and  limited
    testing was performed on the 1000 ADSL.  It is strongly  suspected
    that the "Speed  Touch Pro" software  is at least  very similar to
    that in the Speed  Touch Home, so it  is probable that the  Pro is
    vulnerable  to  similar  attacks.   Other  members  of  the family
    running software  derived from  the same  code base  would also be
    expected to share these vulnerabilities.

    Note that Alcatel renamed their entire Speed Touch product line  a
    few  weeks  ago  at  CeBIT,  so  the  Home  and  Pro  may have new
    designations.  The described flaws were demonstrated in all  known
    firmware versions of the Speed Touch Home, including:

        KHDSAA.108	Jul  6 14:03:12 GMT 1999
        KHDSAA.132	Nov 19 13:52:05 GMT 1999
        KHDSBA.133	Mar 16 17:52:08 GMT 2000
        KHDSAA.134	Apr 24 12:48:43 GMT 2000

    The Alcatel 1000 ADSL does  not have a user-settable password  and
    therefore  does  not  share  the  cryptographic back door with the
    Speed Touch Home.  It has the additional vulnerability that access
    through its HTTP server can not be restricted, and shares the TFTP
    vulnerabilities described below  with the Speed  Touch Home.   The
    version of software in the 1000 ADSL tested was KA1HAA.112 Jan  26
    09:51:00 GMT 1999.

    By default, the  device uses the  IP address,  although
    this  can  be  changed  via  HTTP,  TFTP, or command line (TELNET)
    interface.  The device can have multiple IP addresses at the  same

    There  are  several  flaws,  including user authentication issues;
    fully-accessible  TFTP  servers,  and  a  lack  of  validation  of
    downloaded firmware.

    The device has several flaws and one interesting "feature" in  the
    area of authentication.

    Open front door - No default password
    As shipped, the device allows for configuration read/write  access
    with no password.   This can be  accomplished via TELNET  or HTTP.
    The file structure  of the device's  file systems can  be examined
    with FTP.  The first mention  of this appears to be from  November

    In this article (in French),  they suggest that you might  want to
    set the password before someone else does it for you.

    Missing roof - password may be stolen/changed
    The password, if set, can be extracted from the device using TFTP.
    Or, TFTP can be used to set or change the existing password.  None
    of these operations require any authentication at all.  See  below
    on the use of TFTP.

    Cryptographic back door - bypassing the password completely
    If for  some reason  it is  inconvenient to  obtain or  change the
    password with TFTP, it can  be directly bypassed by logging  in as
    the   user   "EXPERT",   which   will   invoke   a   cryptographic
    challenge-response  sequence.   The  password  will  then  be  the
    result  of  a  cryptographic  function  applied to the "challenge"
    string presented immediately before the request for the  password.
    For example, the FTP and TELNET dialogs look something like:

        ftp> open
        Connected to
        220 Inactivity timer = 120 seconds. Use 'site idle <secs>' to change.
        Name ( EXPERT
        331 SpeedTouch (00-90-D0-00-00-00) User EXPERT OK.  Password required.
        230 OK

        telnet> open
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.
        User : EXPERT
        SpeedTouch (00-90-D0-00-00-00)
        Password : ##########------------------------------------------------------------------------
        *                             ______
        *                         ___/_____/\
        *                        /         /\\ ALCATEL ADSL MODEM
        *                  _____/__       /  \\
        *                _/       /\_____/___ \   Version 3.2
        *               //       /  \       /\ \
        *       _______//_______/    \     / _\/______ Copyright 1999-2000.
        *      /      / \       \    /    / /        /\
        *   __/      /   \       \  /    / /        / _\__
        *  / /      /     \_______\/    / /        / /   /\
        * /_/______/___________________/ /________/ /___/  \
        * \ \      \    ___________    \ \        \ \   \  /
        *  \_\      \  /          /\    \ \        \ \___\/
        *     \      \/          /  \    \ \        \  /
        *      \_____/          /    \    \ \________\/
        *           /__________/      \    \  /
        *           \   _____  \      /_____\/
        *            \ /    /\  \    /
        *             /____/  \  \  /
        *             \    \  /___\/
        *              \____\/
        - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    In both examples above, the "challenge" string is

        'SpeedTouch (00-90-D0-00-00-00)'

    and the response (typically a ten-digit integer) in this case is


    Each device  will have  a unique  response as  it has  a different
    Ethernet MAC address, and the  rest of the "challenge" string  has
    sometimes  changed   between  firmware   versions.   Neither   the
    encryption algorithm  nor its  cryptovariables have  been observed
    to change across devices or software versions.

    The biggest risk of this challenge-response scheme is that  anyone
    who knows the cryptographic algorithm and cryptovariables used  to
    validate the response has permanent access to ANY similar  Alcatel
    SpeedTouch device.   There is  NO WAY  currently known  to us  for
    anyone to disable this back door, other than by downloading custom

    It is worth  noting that all  of these potentially  passworded TCP
    services are supposedly available ONLY from the LAN side.  As  the
    device is a MAC-layer bridge, it has no way of actually  enforcing
    this restriction, and in  many cases these services  are trivially
    reachable  from  the  WAN  side  due  to  the configuration of the
    device and other devices on the LAN.

    Open TFTP servers - via LAN, WAN and DSLAM
    The open  TFTP server  is trivially  accessible from  the "inside"
    LAN, and  access from  the "outside"  net may  be only  marginally
    more  difficult.   It  appears  to  be  accessible  to  the   ADSL
    provider's DSLAM, or anyone with  access to the copper ADSL  loop,
    with no additional authentication.

    As shipped, the  device provides an  open TFTP server  that can be
    used to transfer files both to  and from the device.  This  can be
    used to extract  the configuration from  the device, or  to change
    the configuration  of the  device, as  well as  change, destroy or
    subvert the  device's firmware.   For example,  an attacker  could
    replace  the  device's  firmware  with  malicious  code, such as a
    packet sniffer or a denial  of service "zombie" such as  Trin00 or
    TFN2K.  There is  no known way for  the user/owner to disable  the
    TFTP server.  There is, of course, no authentication required  for
    any TFTP access.

    Access via the inside LAN
    Specifically, the TFTP server  is available over normal  UDP/IP on
    the "inside"  Ethernet, using  any TFTP  client.   Using TFTP, one
    can extract the password and other configuration data, as well  as
    a copy of the firmware.

    More  importantly,   one  can   also  upload   new   configuration
    information, including  a new  (or no)  password, as  well as  new
    (perhaps malicious) firmware.

    Access via the outside WAN (IP)
    It is possible to attack  from the "outside" WAN via  IP protocols
    by using  any of  the well-known  methods to  "bounce" UDP packets
    through a host on the internal network.

    This "attack" can be mounted no matter what the IP address of  the
    Speed  Touch  device,  whether  it  is  still  set to a non-routed
    address, such as the default 10.0.138, or whether the Speed  Touch
    device has  been set  to an  address on  the inside  network.  The
    device's  address  does  not  even  need  to be known, as the TFTP
    server  in  the  device  listens  to  the  IP  broadcast   address
    ( IN ADDITION to  any addresses configured by  the

    This behavior makes  it trivial to  "bounce" attacks through  (for
    example) the UDP ECHO port of a host computer that is attached  to
    the "inside" Ethernet network, without concern for what  addresses
    the Speed Touch device may  be configured for or the  concern that
    it may be on a different logical subnet than the other systems  on
    the inside Ethernet.

    In this example, one can send packets to the TFTP server from  the
    outside  by  sending  TFTP  UDP  packets  with a source address of and a source port of TFTP to the UDP ECHO port  of
    any system  on the  internal network  with a  functioning UDP ECHO
    server.  When  the "ECHO server"  replies to the  request, it will
    interpret  the  (now)  destination  address  of as
    local broadcast, and the packet will be broadcast on the  Ethernet
    with the destination port set to UDP TFTP.

    Many networking devices (including the Speed Touch) provide a  UDP
    ECHO service, and in many cases (again, including the Speed Touch)
    there is no way to disable the service.

    It should be noted that the Speed Touch Home specifically does not
    process source-routed packets by  default.  This decision  appears
    to be deliberate,  as this is  an easily configurable  option that
    the  documentation  explicitly  recommends  not  be changed.  This
    configuration is presumably to discourage the obvious attack.  The
    1000 ADSL appears to not process source-routed packets at all.

    However, this option provides some possibilities for the attacker.
    If the attacker has only TFTP access (via a "bounce" or some other
    mechanism), they  could write  a new  configuration to  the device
    which would  permit source-routing  and default  routing, and gain
    full access either by also setting a new password or by using  the
    cryptographic back door.

    Access via the outside WAN (DSLAM)
    The  Speed  Touch  device  appears  to  have TFTP and SNMP servers
    listening directly on the  WAN side on AAL5-encapsulated  VPI/VCIs
    15/16 and 15/64.  This feature presumably exists so that the  ADSL
    provider  has  full  access  to  the  device,  without any form of
    authentication.  Therefore the ADSL providers have the ability  to
    upgrade the device, should Alcatel provide new firmware to address
    these or other issues.

    A paragraph from  the _Alcatel Speed  Touch Installation and  User
    Guide_, 3EC 16830 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 02, p.152:

      17.1 Software Download from the Network
        This feature  is controlled  by the  ADSL Provider.   At  some
        point in time he might decide to upgrade the software in  your
        _Speed Touch_.   This download  will happen  almost unnoticed.
        You will see  a change in  the software version  though if you
        surf to the _Speed Touch_'s Upgrade page.

    These capabilities are  also available to  anyone with the  proper
    equipment  and  access  to  the  copper  loop,  such  as  at   the
    residential TELCO DEMARC outside  a home, or a  street-side "ped".
    Theoretically,  anyone  who  can  emulate  a  central office DSLAM
    (ATU-C) can "clip on" to the  phone line and take full control  of
    the device.  Note  that since some of  the same DMT chip  sets are
    sold for  use in  both remote  devices (ATU-R),  such as the Speed
    Touch, and in  central office equipment,  such as DSLAMs  (ATU-C),
    it  is  probable  that  constructing  an  improvised   single-line
    "portable DSLAM" is not be out of reach for a somewhat  determined

    Inadequate validation of firmware
    The Alcatel devices do not  appear to do any sort  of authenticity
    or  integrity  checking  on  firmware  downloaded  to  them.  This
    behavior makes  it easier  for an  abuser to  generate a  firmware
    file that will be accepted as a valid firmware "load".  This bogus
    firmware could contain malicious  code, such as a  network sniffer
    or denial of service tool.

    As  a  demonstration  a  modified  version  of  the firmware, with
    "interesting"  security  properties  was  loaded into a SpeedTouch
    Home.   The  firmware  was  accepted,  decompressed,  and executed
    without question.

    It is remarkable that for every method provided for accessing  the
    box (HTTP,TELNET, FTP, and TFTP) it is possible to directly bypass
    any access controls the owner may try to put in place.

    It seems very  poor form to  let a user  set a password  that they
    believe will be  enforced while deliberately  leaving such a  back
    door,  especially  given  that  there  are other (well documented)
    mechanisms for clearing or  resetting a password should  it become

    A malicious  firmware load  could be  carried as  a worm  or virus
    payload to a  host on the  inside Ethernet, and  could survive the
    eradication of the worm or virus on the host platform.

    The Speed Touch Home has an EXPERT mode (distinct from the use  of
    EXPERT to  bypass the  password mechanism)  which can  be used  to
    discover interesting information  about the ADSL  line operational
    parameters, ATM cell statistics, etc.  This mode can also be  used
    to set a wide variety of device and interface parameters, as  well
    as partitioning,  formatting, and  erasing the  flash file system.
    It can  provide extremely  valuable information  for debugging  an
    ADSL connection.   Entry to  this mode  is restricted  by the same
    cryptographic challenge-response mechanism that is used as a  back
    door to bypass the password.

    If the ADSL provider has not provided the password to the  device,
    a tool is available to  provide the password in the  "Alcatel ADSL
    Modem Owner's Self-Help Guide", at:

    This  page  has  some  additional  information  related  to   this
    advisory, as  well as  some tools  and hints  for the Alcatel ADSL
    modem owner.

    Authors of this advisory are Tsutomu Shimomura and Tom Perrine.

    Even the Speed Touch Pro  router is affected by the  same problem.
    Stefano "NeURo" Chiccarelli  even found that  the speed touch  PRO
    router bundled with  the NetEcomomy ADSL  group/multigroup offered
    by Telecom Italia, that work  in CIP (Classical IP) mode  (so with
    a PUBLIC IP)  is subject to  remote attacke if  firewalling off/on
    configuration has been disabled on the ATM interface.

    This feature  can be  disabled from  the CLI  interface, telneting
    on the router with the command  "ipconfig firewalling off".

    At this point,  the TFTP without  authentication can be  used by a
    remote attacker straight on the TCP/IP protocol (i.e. there is  no
    need to be "located" on the ATU-C):

        tftp -i ip GET active/system.ini

    with this  command, an  attacker can  "fetch" the  password stored
    inside this file (in a non  encrypted form).  This is an  "add-on"
    to the backdoor discovered by Tom Perrine e Tsutomu Shimomura.

    Please remark that a lot of people may have disabled this  feature
    to be allowed to  remote admin jobs, pinging  and so on.   Furhter
    more, the PRO firmware called build134.134 is the same than  HOME,
    called KHDSAA.134.


    Use firewall.