

    Aladdin eToken USB Key 3.3.3.x


    Following  is  based  on  L0pht  Research  Labs Security Advisory.
    Aladdin Knowledge  Systems' eToken  is a  portable USB  (Universal
    Serial  Bus)  authentication  device  providing  complete   access
    control for digital assets.  eToken stores private keys, passwords
    or electronic certificates in a hardware token the size of a house
    key.  The  eToken makes use  of two-factor authentication.   Using
    the  legitimate  user's  PIN  number  ("what  you  know")  and the
    physical  USB  key  ("what  you  have"),  access to the public and
    private data within the key will be granted.

    The attack requires  physical access to  the device circuit  board
    and will allow all private information to be read from the  device
    without knowing the PIN number  of the legitimate user.   By using
    any number  of low-cost,  industry-standard device  programmers to
    modify  the  unprotected  external  memory,  the  User  PIN can be
    changed back to a  default PIN.  This  will allow the attacker  to
    successfully login to the eToken and access all public and private
    data.  A homebrew device  programmer could be built for  under $10
    and commercial device programmers  are available from a  number of
    companies ranging in cost from $25 to $1000.

    Users must be aware that the PIN number can be bypassed and should
    not trust the security of the  token if it is not always  directly
    in their possession.   If a legitimate  user loses their  USB key,
    all  data,  including  the   private  information,  needs  to   be
    considered to have  been compromised.   The eToken device  is also
    not tamper-evident.   It is  possible to  open the  device housing
    without  evidence  of  tampering,  allowing  the  attacker to gain
    physical access to the circuit board without the legitimate user's
    knowledge.   Epoxy  encapsulation   and  other  tamper   hindering
    techniques  should  be  employed  in  the  manufacturing  of  such
    hardware devices.

    The legitimate user's PIN can be reset back to the default PIN  by
    simply copying  a particular  8-byte string  from one  area of the
    unprotected  external  memory  to  another.   If  necessary,   the
    legitimate  user's  original  PIN  can  be  copied  back  into the
    external memory after the attack and no evidence of tampering will
    be apparent.

	All data on the  eToken USB key is  stored in an external  memory.
    The  8KB  flavor  of  the  eToken  uses  an Atmel 25640 SPI Serial
    EEPROM.  Serial  EEPROMs are extremely  common in the  engineering
    industry and require minimal circuitry to read and write to.  They
    are also notoriously  insecure and often  do not provide  any type
    of security features.  Due to the nature of Serial EEPROMs, it  is
    possible to attach a device programmer to the device, while it  is
    still attached to the circuit  board, and read and write  at will.
    Our experiments were carried  out using the Needham's  Electronics
    EMP-30  which  cost  $995,  although  a homebrew device programmer
    could be built with a handful of components for under $10.   Other
    device  programmers  are  available  from  a  number of companies,
    ranging in cost from  $25 to $1000.   A schematic of our  findings
    can be found at:

    There are  two PIN  numbers associated  with each  eToken USB key,
    allowing either  User or  Administrator access.   User access  has
    complete control  of the  eToken file  system, while Administrator
    is allowed  to initialize  the key,  but not  access private data.
    Both PINs,  private data,  and secret  data are  encrypted in some
    manner before being  stored into the  EEPROM.  The  public data is
    stored in plaintext and can  be easily read by viewing  the buffer
    of the Serial EEPROM.

    The  8-byte  strings  which  determine  the User and Administrator
    PINs are stored at location $10 and $18, respectively.  By copying
    the 8-byte  string stored  at $20  into either  of those areas, we
    return the PIN to its  default state.  The 8-byte  string defining
    the  encrypted  version  of  the  default  PIN  is unique for each

    Initial  memory  dump,   with  User  PIN   set  to  66666666   and
    Admininstrator PIN set to 87654321:

                     User PIN            Admin PIN
                 /-----------------\ /-----------------\
        00000010 7235 BAA8 5778 DE97 B7DD 9F01 121B 27A7 r5..Wx........'.
        00000020 BE74 503B 3751 FA74 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF .tP;7Q.t........
                 Default PIN string

    Memory dump, after modification, with the User PIN now set to  the

        00000010 BE74 503B 3751 FA74 B7DD 9F01 121B 27A7 .tP;7Q.t......'.
        00000020 BE74 503B 3751 FA74 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF .tP;7Q.t........

    Once  the  modified  buffer  is  programmed  back  into the Serial
    EEPROM, the attacker can login to the eToken using the default PIN
    and make use of the  legitimate user's credentials.  L0pht  proof-
    of-concept  tool  demonstrates  quick  extraction  of all private,
    public, and configuration data from the key.

    The default PIN is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,  which is 8 bytes of  0xFF,
    a non-printable character.  To enter the default PIN on a  Windows
    platform, hold  the "Alt"  key while  typing "0255".   Release the
    "Alt" key between characters.  Repeat this 8 times.  This sequence
    will enter a 0xFF character into the dialog box.

    The physical housing of the eToken consists of a two-piece plastic
    design.  A  combination of glue  and two mechanical  features hold
    the  unit  together.   The  mechanical  features aren't externally
    visible, so  if they  are broken  during disassembly,  it won't be
    evident.  Access to the  circuit board can be obtained  by heating
    the device  with a  heat gun  or hair  dryer, and carefully prying
    the two pieces apart using  an X-acto knife and small  screwdriver
    blade.  When  the attack is  complete, crazy glue  can be used  to
    close the device without visible evidence of tampering.   Pictures
    of the step-by-step operation can be found at:

    The proof-of-concept tool, known  as "Heimlich", makes use  of the
    PC/SC support of the eToken to perform the following functions:

        1) Search USB ports for eToken
        2) Retrieve and display configuration data for the inserted key
        3) Login as User using the default PIN of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
        4) Retrieve all public and private data and export the directory
           hierarchy to DOS

    The tool expects that  the eToken User PIN  has been reset to  the
    default state, as described in this advisory.  If the User PIN  is
    not set to default, login to the eToken will be denied. The secret
    data areas are write-only and cannot be extracted using the  PC/SC
    interface.  The secret areas  are used for private keys  and other
    information   that   will   never   leave   the   key.   Only  the
    microprocessor on the key is allowed to have access to the  secret
    information.  However, the encrypted secret data is stored in  the
    external Serial EEPROM and can  be located in the memory  dump for
    further analysis, if desired.

    The  demonstration  tool,  in  form  of  an  application, has been
    written for  the Windows  98 platform.   Source code  and compiled
    executable can be found at:

    Due  to  copyright  restrictions,  Aladdin's  libraries and header
    files   are   not   included.    For   further   development   and
    experimentation, obtain the eToken SDK from Aladdin.


    The quick solution, although it does not remedy the core  problem,
    is to be very aware of  the physical security and location of  the
    key at all  times.  The  owner of the  key should, for  no reason,
    leave the key unattended  or loan it to  a colleague.  If  the key
    is unattended  for any  amount of  time, the  data could  possibly
    have  been  compromised  due  to  the  PIN being bypassed with the
    methods described in this advisory.

    A number of features could  be added to the manufacturing  process
    of the eToken to  aid in tamper prevention.   Because there is  no
    reason for  the circuitry  to be  accessed after  key manufacture,
    encapsulating the IC's with  epoxy or other material  will prevent
    the easy manipulation that  is currently possible.   Enhancing the
    physical housing design to be tamper-evident and more difficult to
    open  will  also  prevent  an  attacker  from easily accessing the
    device  internals  without  detection.   These  methods  should be
    considered by all hardware vendors,  since they help to raise  the
    bar against common physical attacks.

    Aladdin  promptly  acknowledged  the  security problems associated
    with the eToken  as mentioned in  this advisory.   Version 3.3.3.x
    of their eToken is  a demo and "proof-of-concept"  product (unable
    to  find  any  reference  to  version  3.3.3.x  being  a  beta  or
    demonstration product in any documentation).