ArGoSoft FTP Server


    ArGoSoft FTP Server, Version 1.04 ( for win*


    Knud Erik Hjgaard found following:

        ftp>o x*x*x*X*x*.dk
        220 ArGoSoft FTP Server, Version 1.04 (
        User (x*x*x*X*x*.dk:(none)): anonymous
        331 User name OK, please send complete E-mail address as password
        Password: (lamer@)
        230 User anonymous logged in successfully
        ftp> ls
        Connection closed by remote host.

    This puzzled  him somewhat  as he  never saw  that before... so he
    started fooling  around..whoa whaddya  know...   Actually this was
    somewhat unprecise; he had no  clue on buffer overruns and  so on,
    but he brought down the ftpd...  He did like this:

        telnet x*x*x*X*x*.dk 21
        220 ArGoSoft FTP Server, Version 1.04 (
        user [AAAAA(3433 A's to be precise)AAA]
        *no response*
        pass [AAAAA(3433 A's to be precise)AAA]
        *no response*

        *no response*

    and  once  more  from  the  start...and hey presto, server stopped
    accepting connections at port 21.   Less A's should do the  trick,
    (he didnt see all  3433 a's in the  CRT window) but as  the server
    died he can't really experiment with it...

    The latest  version (,  February 23,  2000 release)  can be
    obtained from  This version is also  vulnerable.
    Knud installed it on his WinNT 4.00.1381 with IE
    and SP5 ...  after a couple  of simultaneous connections  (3) with

        user [AAAA]
        pass [AAAAA]

    and just random garbage like


    and so  on (this  seems to  be doing  the trick?)  and letting the
    connections stay  open, nt  spits out  a couple  of hundred access
    violation at address [0040372!?  - the windows all  closed] boxes.
    After a few crashes windows says '[10048] address already in  use'
    when you try starting  the server.  Only  way to start the  server
    again is a reboot.


    Nothing yes.