ConferenceRoom (IRC server)


    Systems running as IRC servers with old CR


    Rick Branson posted following.   ConferenceRoom has a serious  bug
    which  enables  people  to  really  annoy  IRCops and users of the
    network.  Not only that, but the IRCops don't have a clue of where
    it's  coming  from.   The  ereet  bug  trackz0r  hq has released a
    comemoritive  WarForge  Edition  of  the  bug  exploiter  (FoQeR).
    Download it here:

    The bug is a buffer  overflow in the ConferenceRoom SNOTICE.  It's
    a variation of the earlier "False Server SNOTICE." But this  time,
    the IRCops have no  idea where it's coming  from. All you have  to
    do is send alot of  stuff along with your message  (Message should
    be first,  then all  of the  Alt+160s or  whatever) when  you do a
    "False Server SNOTICE" attack.


    Latest release  of ConferenceRoom,  version 1.5,  is unaffected by
    this stuff above.