



    The Privacy Foundation (TPF) has released an advisory  calling for
    changes in the way the :CueCat bar code scanner is tracking users.
    The full text of the advisory is available at:

    The Privacy Foundation  recently completed a  technical evaluation
    of the :CueCat  bar code reader.   This handheld device,  which is
    similar  in  appearance  to  a  computer  mouse,  is  a product of
    Digital:Convergence Corp.  of Dallas, Texas. Hundreds of thousands
    of these devices are currently being distributed free of charge to
    consumers through partner  companies including Radio  Shack, Wired
    magazine, and Forbes  magazine.  The  company has announced  plans
    to distribute 10 million devices  by year-end 2000 and 50  million
    devices by year-end 2001.

    The :CueCat is promoted as an easy way for consumers to visit  Web
    sites on their PCs by  scanning bar codes that have  been included
    in catalogs,  magazine articles,  and printed  advertisements.  By
    using this device consumers no longer have to enter URLs in  their
    browser to  go to  a Web  site to  learn more  about a  product, a
    service,  or  a  particular  subject.   The Privacy Foundation has
    serious  privacy  concerns  about  the  product  because  the :CRQ
    software,  which  accompanies  the  :CueCat  device,  appears   to
    transmit  all  of  the  information that Digital:Convergence would
    need in  order to  record every  bar code  that every  user scans.
    This tracking feature  of the :CRQ  software could be  used by the
    company to profile an individual user.

    Profiling is  typically used  by Internet  marketing companies  to
    provide personalized ads targeted  to an individual.   The :CueCat
    tracking  ability  does  not  appear   to  be  disclosed  in   the
    documentation or privacy policy that accompanies the product.   In
    addition, there is no disclosure  of what is currently being  done
    with the bar code scan information once it arrives at the company.

    Digital:Convergence  states  that  individual  users are not being
    tracked or profiled.   But even if  the information is  being used
    only  in  aggregrate  form,  or  not  at  all,  there is still the
    possibility in the future  that bar code scanning  information can
    be tied to individual users.  This tying would require no  changes
    with the :CRQ client-side software.  The tracking feature is  made
    possible because a unique ID number is assigned to each user  when
    they register their :CueCat with Digital:Convergence.  This unique
    ID number is sent to Digital:Convergence servers along with a  bar
    code number each time a bar  code is scanned.  This ID  number was
    observed both by investigators with the Privacy Foundation and  by
    other outside  researchers.   This ID  number could  be associated
    with  personal  information  and  demographic information that the
    user supplies during product registration.

    Installation  of  the  :CRQ  software  includes  a  computer video
    promotion followed  by a  registration process  that requires some
    personally identifiable information:

        - full name
        - email address
        - zip code
        - gender
        - age range

    Registration  is  followed  by  a  lengthy  survey  that  includes
    questions  about  personal  interests,  computer  and  electronics
    equipment owned, Internet usage, and shopping habits.  This survey
    can  be  skipped  by  a  user.  Once registration is completed, an
    activation code is sent to the user's email address.  The  :CueCat
    and software cannot  be used without  registering the product  and
    receiving an activation code.

    The Privacy Foundation  examined the :CueCat  device and the  :CRQ
    software to determine the sorts of information transmitted from  a
    user's PC to Digital:Convergence.

    With a packet sniffer in place to monitor network connections made
    by  a  PC,  authors  of  advisory  installed the :CRQ software and
    submitted both  the registration  and survey.   Submission of  the
    survey showed a network  connection to with  the following
    data being  transmitted:   [Please note  that portions  of network
    traffic  included   in  this   report  have   been  modified   for
    illustrative purposes.]

        12:01:35.535139 > P 232:1050(818)
        ack 1 win 8280 (DF).lastname=Doe&firstname=John&email=

    The transmission above shows the user's personal information (John
    Doe,  being  transmitted  to the :CRQ server
    along with  the results  of about  60 consumer  profile questions.
    When the registration was completed another connection was made:

        12:15:23.912215 >
        POST /confirm.cfm HTTP/1.1

    The above  transmission appears  to confirm  the registration  and
    request that  an activation  code be  sent to
    via  email.   TPF  received  an  activation  code  via  email from and plugged it into the prompt box that was
    presented  when  we  first  started  the  :CRQ  software.    After
    activation  of  the  software,  we  noted  changes  to the Windows
    Registry that  included our  email address,  activation code,  and
    default browser:

        DigitalConvergence.Com\CRQ\Users\John Doe]
        "DefBrowserName"="Internet Explorer"

    These transactions  alone provide  enough information  to create a
    profile of personal information that  can be linked to a  globally
    unique ID (GUID) assigned  by Digital:Convergence.  This  GUID, as
    TPF also  found, is  transmitted to  Digital:Convergence with each
    and every bar code scanned using the :CueCat device.

    The :CueCat bar code  scanner connects to a  PC by way of  a cable
    that connects between  the keyboard plug  and the keyboard  socket
    on the  PC.   The :CueCat  scanner effectively  "types" a  product
    code  received  by  the  :CRQ  software  each  time  a bar code is
    scanned.   The  :CRQ  software  then  includes the "typed" product
    code within an  HTTP GET request  to a Digital:Convergence  server
    that, in turn, responds with a specialized Web address related  to
    the product code.

    TPF  made  a  scan  of  one  of  the proprietary ":Cues" in Forbes
    magazine which was associated  with an article about  the National
    Gallery of  Art.   The :CRQ  software subsequently  made a network
    connection to a Digital:Convergence server.

        21:01:35.888710 > P 1718746:1718855(109)
        ack 342313744 win 7444 (DF)GET /CRQ/1..Qh98AlkowF6cRTHtDJEjWe.
        AABi.Y2NgY2B k.0 HTTP/1.1

    The server [see Note at end of advisory] responded with some  data
    that  pointed  our  Web  browser  to  the  address of the National
    Gallery of Art (

        P 1:266(265) ack 109 win 8192
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Tue 12 Sep 2000 03:02:52
        Expires: Tue 12 Sep 2000 03:03:01
        Content-Length: 132
        Content-Type: text/plain
        desc=BOW - Collecting Art Museums

    TPF took a look at the encoded string that was sent in the request
    to Digital:Convergence.  The entire  string can be broken up  into
    segments  delineated  by  the  periods.   Four  of  these segments
    appeared to be particularly interesting.  The first segment of the
    string (Qh98AlkowF6cRTHtDJEjWe) matched  the GUID activation  code
    used in  setting up  the :CRQ  software.   The third,  fourth, and
    fifth segments were run through a :CueCat decoder written by Kevin
    Fowlks and published at FreshMeat.Net.

    The   third   segment   (c3Nzc3Nzc3NzdnN3d3d6cXNx)   decoded    to
    "000000000504449202",  which  is  a  serial  number for the reader
    device itself.  The fourth segment (AABi) decoded to "CC!",  which
    identifies the type of  bar code that has  been scanned.  In  this
    case,  it  refers  to  a  :CueCat  bar  code.   The  fifth segment
    (Y2NgY2Bk) is an encoded version of the bar code itself.  Scanning
    an  ISBN  bar  code  from  a  book  (ISBN:045622900857) produced a
    similar  transmission  to  Digital:Convergence  with the following
    data in the request:


    Again, the third  segment of the  data string remained  unchanged.
    The fourth segment decoded to "UPA", a type of product code.   The
    fifth segment decoded  to the actual  ISBN number of  the book TPF
    scanned,  "045622900857".   TPF  conclude  from this investigation
    that   by   distributing   the   :CueCat   device   and  software,
    Digital:Convergence   could   collect   not   only   the  personal
    information provided via the registration and installation survey,
    but also a history of product bar codes that have been scanned  by
    specific users.  Furthermore, all of this personal information and
    bar code history data could be linked through the GUID  activation
    code provided through Digital:Convergence.

    Beyond  this,  TPF  observed  no  further  monitoring  of a user's
    Internet activities.  In  particular, we witnessed no  clickstream
    monitoring and  no use  of cookies  by the  :CRQ software.   Note,
    however, that  the :CRQ  software use  of GUIDs  would obviate the
    need for tracking cookies.

    A specialized cable is also provided with the :CueCat that can  be
    used to connect the audio jacks from a user's TV to the sound card
    of  the  PC.   Once  this  connection  is  made, the :CRQ software
    listens  for  special  signals  embedded  within  the  audio of TV
    programs and advertisements.   These signals, in a  manner similar
    to scanned bar  codes, prompt the  Web browser to  load a specific
    address related to  the program or  advertisement viewed.   Due to
    the limited availability of  :CueCat audio signals via  television
    broadcasts, the Privacy  Foundation was unable  to comprehensively
    research this aspect of the :CRQ software.  However, TPF technical
    review determined that the :CRQ software does indeed listen to the
    audio input ports attached to the computer's sound card.  With the
    appropriate audio port  connected to a  TV or other  audio source,
    the  :CRQ  software   listens  for  special   beeps  that   encode
    information  comparable  to  a  barcode.   Upon  receiving such an
    "audio cue",  the :CRQ  software behaves  much as  if the user had
    manually scanned  a barcode  using the  :CueCat.   It transmits  a
    request  to  the  :CRQ  server  that  includes  the  user's   GUID
    activation code  and a  representation of  the information  in the
    audio  cue.   In  response,  the  :CRQ server delivers information
    about an appropriate Web page.  In the configuration suggested  by
    Digital:Convergence, the  user connects  a TV  broadcast signal to
    the computer so that Web pages relevant to the viewed  programming
    and advertisements  are conveniently  presented on  the user's Web
    browser.   This  computer,  connected  to  the  Internet  and  the
    television, will  quietly report  to the  :CRQ server  whenever it
    hears an audio cue.  Since no user intervention is required,  such
    a  computer  could  effectively  become  an  in-house   television
    tracking device for Digital:Convergence.

    For more information read original advisory on URL above.


    Digital:Convergence was contacted on Sept. 18, 2000, and again  on
    Sept.  21.   The  Privacy  Foundation  expressed  concern that the
    data transmitted  by the  :CRQ software  could be  used to  record
    every scan of the :CueCat  along with the personal information  of
    its current  user.   Digital:Convergence acknowledged  that a user
    ID  is  associated  with  each  scan,  but said that their current
    database  breaks  the  link  between  a user's activation code and
    personal  information  (such  as  an  email address), so that such
    tracking   is   not   being   done,   nor   is   it  contemplated.
    Digital:Convergence indicated that  they would consider  modifying
    their data collection procedures and provide more disclosure.

    The Privacy Foundation recommends  the removal of GUID  activation
    codes from the  network transactions that  result from use  of the
    :CueCat.  If the company promises to "never release your  personal
    data to  any third  party," then  there does  not appear  to be  a
    reason  that  a  GUID  needs  to  be  transmitted  or  stored   in
    conjunction with  personal information.   TPF also  recommend that
    Digital:Convergence provide  a patch  that disables  the ID number
    for current users.