Accelerator Pro


    Accelerator Pro


    Auriemma Luigi found following.   Download Accelerator Pro is  one
    of the  most popoular  and downloded  software for  accelerate the
    files dowload.  Luigi was testing the last version of DAP (4.3.02)
    on all  the Microsoft  operative systems;  these are  the "strange

    1) Win9x UNICODE
    If we  try to  download a  file (is  the same  if it exist or not)
    that  contain  an  unicode  char  in  it  (%01,  %02, ...) the web
    browser, where DAP is  implemented for the files  download, freeze
    it; if we go in the  DAP window program (that stay in  system tray
    and DON'T alert  the user with  a window on  top), we can  see the
    message "Internal  Application Error",  and the  download file  is
    NOT  reported  on  the  download  files  list.  When we close this
    alert window, the browser If  we retry to download the  same file,
    the download window open and  we will receive the following  alert

        Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
        Runtime Error!
        Program C:\Program Files\DAP\DAP.EXE
        abnormal program termination

    After  some  seconds  DAP  kill  itself  and  it  DON'T report the
    download in its file list.

    Instead if we try to download other files with the unicode char in
    them, DAP will alert  with "Internal Application Error",  and ONLY
    with 2 dowloads of the same files DAP kill itself.  These are some
    examples that we can insert in IE or Netscape or in DAP:


    ONLY SOME of the unicode chars are vulnerable.

    2) WinNT/2k long filename
    If we try to insert the following string in our browser, DAP  give
    the SAME errors as the "Win9x UNICODE" (first internal error,  and
    after the VisualC++ error with kill): we arrive at the end).zip


    Nothing yet.