EMURL-based e-mail providers (Emurl 2.0 For Windows NT 4.0)


    Pierre  Benoit  found  following.   Emurl  is web-based email host
    developped by SeattleLab.  Users can access the mailbox's  content
    of anybody on the system.  They can also steal their POP passwords
    since Emurl allows you to fetch your POP email from more than  one

    After  logging  into  his  new  mail  account powered by the Emurl
    software, this URL strucked Pierre:

    You all know where this is going.  First, this identifier is based
    solely on your account name.  Therefore, if you create an  account
    with the same name  on another site, you'll  end up with the  very
    same  identifier.   Furthermore,  this  identifier  can  easily be
    determined since  it is  "encoded" using  the ascii  value of each
    character of the account's name and incremented by its position.

    In  this  example,  user  ID  would  be  PBenoit and his resulting
    identifier would be 113100104114116111123.

        p = 112 + 1 = 113
        b = 98  + 2 = 100
        e = 101 + 3 = 104
        n = 110 + 4 = 114
        o = 111 + 5 = 116
        i = 105 + 6 = 111
        t = 116 + 7 = 123

    You could fetch the e-mails here.<identifier>

    ... and view/change the account's settings here<identifier>

    Pierre threw a few lines of perl together to generate this.

    print "Enter your ID: ";
    $_=lc(<STDIN>); chomp;
    print "Your identifier is: ";
    @letters=split(//, $_);
    for ($i = 0; $i < length($_); $i++) {
    $mychar = ord($letters[$i])+$i+1;
    if ($mychar < 100)
    { $mychar = (0).$mychar;}
    print $mychar


    SeattleLab  is  aware  and  the  issue  is addressed in their next