Alex Heiphetz Group EZshopper 2.0, 3.0 for Unix
Following is based on SA2000-09 Nsfocus Security Advisory.
NSFOCUS security team has found a security flaw in loadpage.cgi of
EZshopper of AHG. Exploitation of it can allow attacker to get
file list of EZshopper directories and sensitive file contents.
EZshopper is a popular e-shop product by AHG, Inc. It has some
Perl scripts, including a CGI program that is called loadpage.cgi
and used to open and show the HTML files under EZshopper
Usually this program is called in these ways:
EZshopper v3.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper3/loadpage.cgi?user_id=<id>&file=<filename>
EZshopper v2.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper2/loadpage.cgi?<id>+<filename>
But loadpage.cgi does not check the "<filename>" data inputted by
user to make sure it is an real file name. Provided with a
directory name as a "<filename>", loadpage.cgi will list the
content of current EZshopper directory. According to the returned
information, attacker can open subdirectory or view some sensitive
file contents like user's data files, transaction info file and
.htaccess etc.
Note: Exploit of this vulnerability won't be used to view the
directories outside of EZshopper, for new versions of EZshopper
will check if a filename contains "../".
Submit the following URL, you can see the file list of Ezshopper
root directory (in case that the page is blank, check the page
source code in the browser).
EZshopper v3.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper3/loadpage.cgi?user_id=id&file=/
EZshopper v2.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper2/loadpage.cgi?id+/
To view file list of EZshopper subdirectory, submit the following
EZshopper v3.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper3/loadpage.cgi?user_id=id&file=/subdirectory/
EZshopper v2.0: http://site/cgi-bin/ezshopper2/loadpage.cgi?id+/subdirectory/
Once get the list, attacker can use some URL like the following to
view the content of arbitrary files:
Also, if you have $root=/home/marshal you can view all files under
/home/marshal/* but can't go to /home/ or any other dir above
/home/marshal. Ofcourse you get the user level of the httpd
daemon so this is your restricting when trying to view files.
The $root variable can be found in
Most of the time people who use AHG have $root=/ or
$root=/home/pages/ which in the first case make it possible to
view all the files on the system which are viewable with the user
supplied by the http daemon. And the second one makes it possible
to view all the webpages including the cgi-bin directory, so you
can look at the code of scripts that are parsed at the server
side because the loadpage.cgi scripts kept it from parsing (by
It is suggested to users using vulnerable versions to upgrade to
the latest version ASAP.