Strip Script Tags




    Arne Vidstrom found  following.  The  "Strip Script Tags"  in FW-1
    can be circumvented by adding  an extra < before the  <SCRIPT> tag
    like in this code:

        <<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
        alert("hello world")

    This code will pass unchanged, and still execute in both Navigator
    and Explorer.  Arne tried this on version 3.0 of FW-1 (on  Windows
    NT 4.o) but he  was not able to  check it on version  4.0 since he
    don't have access to it.

    Strictly  speaking  the  _tags_  aren't  malformed.  The the loose
    '<' preceeding the  tag renders the  document as a  whole non-well
    formed, which, according to the HTML REC, means that all bets  are
    off  and  user  agents  are  allowed  to interpret the doc as they
    please.  Most browsers will make  an effort to try and make  sense
    of  HTML  crud  like  this  rather  than  rejecting it completely.
    That's reasonable  given how  much junk  there is  out there which
    passes for HTML.   The upshot is  that any firewall  product which
    attempts to interpret the stuff which passes through it has to  be
    sensitive to the  way that the  end recipent is  likely to behave.
    If it can't cope with  the way browsers quite legitimately  handle
    stuff that's strictly speaking broken, then it simply isn't up  to
    snuff and should be fixed; or  it should only pass stuff which  is
    valid  (which  means  it'd  have  to  validate  on the fly); or it
    shouldn't claim to be a 100% reliable filter.


    This was tested on on FW-1  version 4.0 SP4, on NT4 and  it strips
    the code as it's supposed to do. That is,

        <<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    is altered into

        <<SCRIP! LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    which  the  browsers  will  disregard.  It's  a bit silly that the
    alert("hello world")  isn't cut  away, though,  so "< alert("hello
    world") test" is what your page looks like in web-browsers.

    This isn't an  issue in Firewall  1 4.0 SP5  also.  It  apparently
    has been fixed  sometime between the  4.5 year old  version he was
    using, and the current release.